Hi Anjar,

Streams is a TiddlyWiki plugin meant for others to design a full workflow 
around, rather than a fully configured and ready to use vertical edition of 
As such I don't know that feedback from non-TiddlyWiki users would be 
particularly useful.


On Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 4:19:32 AM UTC+1 Anjar wrote:

> Thank you, Saq, this is amazing! If you feel for it: Hacker News (
> https://news.ycombinator.com/) is a great place to get constructive 
> feedback (they have a "Show HN" prefix) - and it would be a nice place to 
> promote TiddlyWiki more too!
> Best,
> Anders
> lørdag 9. januar 2021 kl. 23:07:10 UTC+1 skrev si:
>> This is great Saq. I've been playing with it mostly on Tiddloid (on a 
>> cheap Samsung). I'm amazed by how many great improvements you have made, 
>> and now super-excited for the next release. Streams is looking better than 
>> most 'conventional' apps.
>> I have included several quibbles below, but only because it's hopefully 
>> more helpful to you than just saying that everything is great. My overall 
>> response, however, is overwhelmingly positive.
>> Here are my thoughts (mostly relating to the mobile UX):
>>    - Overall the mobile experience is way smoother. Drag and drop didn't 
>>    work for me before, now it works reliably. The area to tap in order to 
>> drag 
>>    and drop seems suitably large - I'm not finding that I have to re-tap to 
>>    find the right spot.
>>    - It feels like I have to hold down a little longer that I would 
>>    expect before the node becomes draggable. I know you wouldn't want it to 
>>    happen too quickly so as not to interfere with scrolling, but to me it 
>> just 
>>    feels too long. It's hard to say for sure without trying it for a longer 
>>    period, but I think it impacts the UX enough that it would probably 
>> prevent 
>>    me from bothering to use drag&drop at all on mobile.
>>    - It's hard to judge, but double tapping to enter edit-mode seems to 
>>    have less of a delay than in the current stable version. It's still got a 
>>    delay, but I guess this could have something to do with my cheap phone. 
>>    - I have found that whenever I double tap to close edit mode on 
>>    mobile I end up highlighting some text. In most cases this doesn't 
>> actually 
>>    affect the function, but I do find it mildly stressful.
>>    - Double tapping to the left of the text to works well, though 
>>    currently I don't instinctively do this. It also feels like it would be 
>>    more natural as a single rather than a double tap.
>>    - Swiping to open the context menu is super-useful. Currently it 
>>    seems that if a context menu is already open, switching to a context menu 
>>    on a different node requires two steps: tapping to close the menu, then 
>>    swiping to open a new one. I think it would be more natural if swiping on 
>> a 
>>    separate node did both of these things at once.
>>    - I tried the swipe-to-indent setting and found that it worked well, 
>>    and the lack of visual feedback/ability to undo doesn't strike me as a 
>>    massive problem. However I would probably not use this feature personally 
>>    as I feel that the context menu option is more useful.
>>    - The reduced indent level looks nicer in my opinion. The streams 
>>    look more like they are part of the tiddler, if that makes any sense.
>>    - The new control panel is super-sexy. I could easily tell what all 
>>    the settings did.
>>    - One thing that bothered me about the current release is that I 
>>    would occasionally create new nodes from tiddlers that already had titles 
>>    like "tiddler/timestamp" and end up with lots of tiddlers called 
>>    "tiddler/timestamp/timestamp/timestamp" etc. With the new control panel I 
>>    was able to change the title template to my own custom macro that ignores 
>>    any already existing timestamps when generating new titles. I wonder if 
>>    this should be the default behaviour? Here is the macro that I used:
>>       - \define new-streams-title()
>>       <$vars timestamp=<<now "[UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX">> >
>>       <$list filter="[<stream-root-title>!regexp[^.*/\d{17}$]]">
>>       {{{ [<currentTiddler>addsuffix[/]addsuffix<timestamp>] }}}
>>       </$list>
>>       <$list filter="[<stream-root-title>regexp[^.*/\d{17}$]]">
>>       {{{ [<currentTiddler>splitbefore[/]addsuffix<timestamp>] }}}
>>       </$list>
>>       </$vars>
>>       \end
>>    - The last point doesn't relate directly to the new features, but I 
>>    might as well mention it here. I frequently find myself opening a tiddler 
>>    and seeing that I have a bunch of nodes left in edit mode, which I have 
>> to 
>>    toggle one at a time. It would be nice I think to have a way either for 
>>    nodes to be set to read-mode automatically (maybe triggered by opening 
>> the 
>>    tiddler for a node, or closing the streams tiddler), or an option to just 
>>    set all nodes to read-only in batch.
>> Ok so now I realise that I have written a whole essay. Sorry. Thanks 
>> again for Streams, it's a super-plugin.
>> On Friday, 8 January 2021 at 18:14:53 UTC saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> This is a preview of an experimental branch of Streams intended to 
>>> explore optimizations and new ideas. Not all of these changes will make it 
>>> to the final released version, depending on user feedback.
>>> Specifically, I am interested in feedback from regular users of Streams 
>>> who can compare these new changes to the stable released version.
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/temp/streams-0.2-preview.html
>>> If you are new to Streams, I suggest looking at the latest stable 
>>> release instead:
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/1jTwdmq8cgI
>>> Performance improvements
>>> There are significant performance improvements. Very large streams now 
>>> render over 300% faster.
>>> This has involved drastically simplifying the HTML structure of nodes, 
>>> as well as optimizing the code used for drag and drop and the context menu.
>>> You can compare the rendering time for the tiddler "TiddlyWiki Toolmap" 
>>> on the old version 
>>> <https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams-tiddlytoolmap-expanded.html> 
>>> versus 
>>> the new one 
>>> <https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams-tiddlytoolmap2.html>.
>>> *Please pay attention to whether drag and drop and the context menu 
>>> still work as expected.*
>>> A lot of tweaks to the core code and custom widgets previously included 
>>> in Streams have been deprecated as they are now a part of 
>>> the TiddlyWiki core, making the plugin smaller and lighter to use despite 
>>> the addition of new features.
>>> Context Menu
>>> The context menu has been extended with *indent* and *unindent* options.
>>> UX tweaks
>>> *Drag and Drop*
>>> The area that can be grabbed to drag a node has been extended.
>>> Drag and drop now works relatively well in Chrome on Android *mobile*
>>>  devices.
>>> The modifier keys used to control the behaviour when dragging and 
>>> dropping a node are customizable
>>> *Double click*
>>> You can also double click inside the editor as well as in the area to 
>>> left of it to exit editing
>>> You can now double click the area left of a node as well as on the 
>>> content of a node to edit.
>>> If using the default editor, you can also turn off double click inside 
>>> the editor textarea
>>> *Swipe on touch devices*
>>> There is experimental support for swiping on nodes in touch devices
>>> Two modes are supported
>>> Swipe to indent / unindent
>>> Swipe to trigger a context menu on the node, from which you can 
>>> indent/unindent, open, delete etc.
>>> There isn't any visual feedback when swiping. Due to the lack of native 
>>> browser support this will not be implemented and therefore the behaviour to 
>>> indent/unindent for swipe is likely to be dropped as it can be difficult to 
>>> undo.
>>> *Miscellaneous*
>>> The max-width of a node is now customizable.
>>> The indent level of the stream root has been decreased.
>>> Settings Control Panel
>>> There is a new settings control panel for Streams, available both in the 
>>> Control Panel as well as the plugin tiddler.
>>> CodeMirror integration
>>> If the CodeMirror plugin is installed, there is a configuration option 
>>> in the Streams settings to choose the editor to use for Streams nodes.
>>> Testing and feedback is needed to make sure this works as expected, both 
>>> using codemirror as the editor and using the default editor. The areas most 
>>> likely to be affected are:
>>> - splitting a node by hitting Enter with the text cursor/caret in the 
>>> middle of some text,
>>> - hitting Enter with the cursor at the beginning of some text,
>>> - or hitting backspace with the cursor at the beginning of a text.

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