Of course I forgot to set edit rights. Now fixed.

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 4:14:38 PM UTC+1 Mat wrote:

> So here is a working prototype. Actually it is Siniy-Kits webshop that 
> I've clumsily repainted to appear more like a regular wiki so you can 
> orient yourself. Not perfect. But, as noted, the big problem is that it 
> still IS Siniy-Kits (fantastic) webshop. Only the small parts that extract 
> "the JSON from the google sheet" are needed but I don't know JS so I can't 
> extract them. (help!)
> Anyway, try it out to see what the heck I'm twaddling about - see 
> attachment.
> This could enable many things: community voting, teachers could make tests 
> and have the results in TW, a common plugin distribution system, present 
> stock quotes in TW, and loads and loads more. Google does the horse work, 
> TW just extracts the finished data and presents it.
> On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 6:31:39 PM UTC+1 Ste wrote:
>> Interesting times! Sounds likejit could open allot of functionality! 
>> On Monday, 8 February 2021 at 16:59:37 UTC Mat wrote:
>>> I want to bring attention to a post I made here in the dev group 
>>> <https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/discussions/5482> (because it 
>>> goes beyond direct TW matters).
>>> Briefly, it is possible to use the Google "Excel" spreadsheets as 
>>> tiddlers.
>>> So your empty (or half empty) TW fetches tiddlers from the spreadsheet.
>>> This would open up for very useful stuff - both for individuals 
>>> (assuming they have a google account) but also for the community at large.
>>> For example, I think that if *anyone* puts up a public wiki with this 
>>> functionality, then *you* can make that wiki show your spreadsheet 
>>> tiddlers (by providing it with your spreadsheet-URL). This means that we 
>>> can "publish" plugins etc by piggybacking on other public wikis (if they 
>>> have this Google Drive solution installed)
>>> Or you can, yourself, use e.g Google Forms to make questionnaires and 
>>> have all the results appear in your own wiki. (This is foremost thanks to 
>>> Googles automated "questionnaire-to-single-spreadsheet" feature.)
>>> The incredible part is that fellow tiddleur *Siniy-Kit has already 
>>> created this*! But he has it baked into a bigger project. So I need 
>>> help to pick out the critical js parts and refine it. See the dev group 
>>> discussion <https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/discussions/5482> 
>>> for further details.
>>> <:-)

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