@Mark - I posted my own stumbling tracking attempts in the GH thread 
because it got too technical for this forum. Maybe I found exactly what you 
Thank you for looking in to this!

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 8:26:02 PM UTC+1 Mark S. wrote:

> All I see in the code he shows is making a single, empty tiddler. I'm 
> missing how the data comes in.
> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 10:36:59 AM UTC-8 Mat wrote:
>> @Mark , thanks for your input! I don't know how Siniy-Kits solution works 
>> other than vaguely understanding what he explains 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/xQJ_J0AVyfM/m/G8UFicZnAQAJ>.  
>> But it is worth noting that "all that is needed" is some mechanism in TW 
>> that can "pull in" a JSON webpage: Here 
>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QUoZosiS3emBQNM_HugaptU5qY1Ze5lBQXVd8yZit6A/edit#gid=1720443340>
>> is the regular Google sheet and here 
>> <https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/1QUoZosiS3emBQNM_HugaptU5qY1Ze5lBQXVd8yZit6A/1/public/full?alt=json>is
>> its automatically generated JSON version. 
>> About a "ban list"; maybe the shop blocks people who have misbehaved?
>> <:-)
>> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:24:04 PM UTC+1 Mark S. wrote:
>>> In my experience, most programmers would rather rewrite something rather 
>>> than reverse engineer an existing product.
>>> When I follow the code, I see that there is some type of call back. I'm 
>>> guessing Google calls back to a function inside TW with the requested data. 
>>> But, the only place I see where the results could manifest is in *function 
>>> ok* -- but all that function does is check a ban list.  Which is also 
>>> confusing. If the data in the spreadsheet is your own, why would your email 
>>> be on a ban list ?? In any event, I don't see that the data is handed off 
>>> anywhere to the rest of the tiddlywiki machinery. Do you know ?
>>>  Have fun!
>>> On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 8:59:37 AM UTC-8 Mat wrote:
>>>> I want to bring attention to a post I made here in the dev group 
>>>> <https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/discussions/5482> (because 
>>>> it goes beyond direct TW matters).
>>>> Briefly, it is possible to use the Google "Excel" spreadsheets as 
>>>> tiddlers.
>>>> So your empty (or half empty) TW fetches tiddlers from the spreadsheet.
>>>> This would open up for very useful stuff - both for individuals 
>>>> (assuming they have a google account) but also for the community at large.
>>>> For example, I think that if *anyone* puts up a public wiki with this 
>>>> functionality, then *you* can make that wiki show your spreadsheet 
>>>> tiddlers (by providing it with your spreadsheet-URL). This means that we 
>>>> can "publish" plugins etc by piggybacking on other public wikis (if they 
>>>> have this Google Drive solution installed)
>>>> Or you can, yourself, use e.g Google Forms to make questionnaires and 
>>>> have all the results appear in your own wiki. (This is foremost thanks to 
>>>> Googles automated "questionnaire-to-single-spreadsheet" feature.)
>>>> The incredible part is that fellow tiddleur *Siniy-Kit has already 
>>>> created this*! But he has it baked into a bigger project. So I need 
>>>> help to pick out the critical js parts and refine it. See the dev 
>>>> group discussion 
>>>> <https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/discussions/5482> for 
>>>> further details.
>>>> <:-)

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