G'day All,
I'm writing a novel using Evernote and it is great for the writing flow.   
My encyclopedia for the world being built has got out of control and is now 
slowing me down.  I figured I better get a proper encyclopedia designed, 
with links and all that, before it gets insanely out of size.   SO,   I 
researched and decided on TiddlyWiki as the tool.   

I am a radical newb in the sense that never used any wiki before, never 
used google groups before, never used anything like the 'wikitext' language 
thing for writing instructions or code or whatever we call it.   So 
currently feeling a bit daunted by the overflow of new things to 
understand, but I am almost sixty,  I understand usage will bring 
comfort.... always has in the past.  

I also am a bit cautious because I don't want to spend hours putting my 
encyclopedia entries into Tiddlywikis only to discover my way of creating 
say 'contents' or 'links' is wrong and needs to be scrapped back to 
starting again.   

So I am apologising ahead of time for any annoyingly basic questions I ask 
which make you role your eyes at how I could not find the answer myself.    
Here is one example -  I have noted the use of the term "story" and "sub 
story" but so far have not been able to find any definition of that term.   

I've looked at one or two youtube videos about getting started with TW and 
stumbled on the 'getting started' page linked to in one of the threads 
here.  All good.

I will finish with a question, if anybody managed to read this far.  :)  
I have templates for various encyclopedia entries - standard headings for a 
character profile  or  standard layout for a description of a species or 
culture, or cities history.   Those templates, in evernote, are formatted 
already so I can just rip the information into the headings without having 
to slow down to do the formatting and then get back to the actual novel 
writing.    My question - can formatted templates be created and saved and 
stored 'somewhere' in TW once, so I can just use them as needed?

Thanks ahead of time.
Mikel A

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