G'day all,

I have been bitten by this one too many times.  This wouldn't happen if I 
did not so stubbornly preferred data tiddlers for storing data values, 
instead of using tiddler fields.

But, dang it: I really like data tiddlers for some strange reason.

As I setup EditText widgets in some tiddler  (let's call this a "Form" 
tiddler) to maintain values stored in a data tiddler, I often make a 
mistake setting up one or more widgets in a way that winds up blowing away 
the content of the "Form" tiddler.

As a trivial/ridiculous simulation that duplicates my regular 
self-inflicted drop-kick through the goalposts of life, create a new 
tiddler with the following content:

[image: Screenshot 2021-04-16 10.41.02 PM.png]

Save that tiddler and type some letter key on your keyboard in this text 
field.  Wham.   Now the tiddler looks something like the following (with 
the field "bub" set to whatever key ):

[image: Screenshot 2021-04-16 10.25.18 PM.png]

Is there some way for me to tell TiddlyWiki: never allow "index" to be used 
with tiddler = currentTiddler (either explicitly set or implicitly assumed) 
for any widget?


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