
Thanks for the kind words!

I am thinking about possibilities for cover/banner images in a coming 
edition. The screenshot is fine in the meantime.

I've kept the screenshots limited because they're hard to update and I've 
found they can sometimes make people fixate on irrelevant details in the 
screenshot if something is slightly different, largely aiming at including 
live examples and relevant icons within the text instead. I hadn't heard 
about this innerwiki thing though – that could be a neat compromise in some 
places. I'll make sure to put it on my list of things to consider for the 

On Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 10:12:34 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hi Soren,
> I’m delighted to be first to offer my congratulations. GTW is a 
> magnificent piece of work, and you should consider it thoroughly endorsed 
> by me!
> To pick out some particular highlights for praise:
> * Your writing style is fluid and proficient, and gives an authoritative, 
> friendly tone that works really well: it reads like a coherent, 
> professionally written book
> * The graphic design is clean and easy to read. I like the confidence of 
> the wide margins, and general use of whitespace
> * The interactive features are nicely integrated and work well in the flow
> * The exercises are a great touch (my understanding is that such exercises 
> have been proven to be very effective, and so it’s great to see a 
> thoughtful implementation in TW)
> Overall, I’m really in awe, it’s wonderful to see all this hard work, and 
> I think it will make a profound difference to people coming to TiddlyWiki.
> I’d like to add a link panel from the HelloThere tiddler on 
> Do you have any thoughts about a suitable banner image? I’ll screenshot the 
> title/subtitle for the moment.
> I also wondered if you’d considered including screenshots? A couple of 
> years ago I was working on a TiddlyWiki book with Joe Armstrong before he 
> sadly died. Typically for me, one of the first things I did was coding 
> rather than writing, to make a mechanism to be able to easily regenerate 
> screenshots. The thinking was that we could regenerate the screenshots for 
> each version of TW to keep them up to date. The functionality is in the 
> “innerwiki plugin” under Node.js (it uses Puppeteer to generate the 
> screenshots):
> <$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki>
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.
> (I’ve included a screenshot for posterity)
> On 16 May 2021, at 15:43, Soren Bjornstad <> wrote:
> I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
> textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at 
> *Grok 
> TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build a deep, 
> lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
> combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
> and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”
> I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
> documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
> tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
> almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
> in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
> needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.
> The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute it 
> for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
> <> to support my continued work on GTW 
> and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your help 
> spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, notes-related 
> resources, or social media.
> A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on the 
> prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
> getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
> please keep the feedback and suggestions coming. 
> -- 
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