@Mohammad, Thank you for your comment!

@Soren, I hid the buttons because I don't really need to see them most of 
the time. When I do need them, they appear when hovering the general area 
where they should be. I also think that because the buttons don't really 
change (except when you add one yourself) I don't need the reminders of 
what options there are. I think the buttons can be visually cluttering, 
especially if you pin multiple buttons, so I like the aesthetic of them 
hidden. I like UI that gets out of the way when it is not needed.

The issue in your screenshot is an unintended side effect of the CSS that 
hides buttons. I hadn't noticed it yet, but I agree it would be better if 
those icons don't fade away while not hovering on the dropdown. I am not 
sure how I would disable it for just the dropdown though : /

Op woensdag 19 mei 2021 om 00:58:16 UTC+2 schreef Soren Bjornstad:

> Odin,
> I like the look of this! I particularly appreciate the improved whitespace 
> and toolbar design in the editor. I might have to look at replicating some 
> of that in my CodeMirror editor.
> Can I ask, what is the rationale behind hiding the buttons until you mouse 
> over them? To me it seems this mostly makes it harder to hit the button and 
> less obvious what options you have. Also, when I click on the more menu and 
> then move the mouse away from it, it does this, which I assume wasn't 
> intentional:
> [image: ksnip_20210518-175727.png]
> On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 2:23:10 PM UTC-5 Odin wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I am proud to share my latest creation: Zacht - a clean and soft theme 
>> for TiddlyWiki. <https://odinjorna.github.io/zacht-theme/> 
>> Zacht is the Dutch word for soft. With soft colors and roundings, I found 
>> it a fitting name. The theme also embeds two fonts that really adds a fresh 
>> look while staying true to the feel of the vanilla theme.
>> The stylesheets are split up in small stylesheets to keep it easy to look 
>> up any CSS to change it to your likings even further.
>> This was also the first time I worked with Node.js. So I am also hosting 
>> the individual files on GitHub for proper installation for those who use 
>> TiddlyWiki on Node.js. It was a fun project : )
>> I hope this theme finds some use for someone. I am open to feedback, 
>> either in this thread or on GitHub. 
>> <https://github.com/OdinJorna/zacht-theme>
>> Also, thanks to Saqimtiaz for the last-minute troubleshooting on discord!
>> Kind regards,
>> Odin

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