what's the details tag?

On Monday, 14 June 2021 at 19:04:51 UTC+1 Si wrote:

> Hi James,
> >>> I don't think it's true that you need Internet Explorer for any of 
> this, it's runs under the  mshta.exe which should ship with windows. 
> It seems that mshta.exe relies on the Internet Explorer engine (not that I 
> know what that means...): 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application#Execution
> Anyway a wiki running as an hta app looks just like it does when running 
> in IE, and more recent web stuff doesn't work (e.g. the details tag). My 
> main wiki won't even open in IE (or as an hta) due to some of the plugins I 
> have installed.
> >>> if you are still interested i can maybe help look at any issues you 
> are hitting 
> Thank you! Though I've now figured out my mistake: I was using a folder 
> for twexe_cmd that didn't exist! Works as expected now.
> >>> I don't knoe if this is still needed but i have another plugin  
> $:/plugins/welford/htalink/link.js which makes the wiki open links in the 
> default browser. 
> I didn't install that plugin and it still works, but I only did a simple 
> test.
> On Monday, 14 June 2021 at 17:40:08 UTC+1 james.w....@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hey Si, I don't think it's true that you need Internet Explorer for any 
>> of this, it's runs under the  mshta.exe which should ship with windows. I 
>> certainly don't have IE installed on my system - but you will need windows.
>> I don't knoe if this is still needed but i have another plugin  
>> $:/plugins/welford/htalink/link.js which makes the wiki open links in the 
>> default browser.
>> if you are still interested i can maybe help look at any issues you are 
>> hitting: Excuse the crude picture but setting up a twexe should be pretty 
>> simple. this one opens calc and then is linked to twice in another doc, 
>> first as it is and then a second time with overridden params.
>> [image: asdf.png]
>> On Monday, 14 June 2021 at 16:17:21 UTC+1 Si wrote:
>>> Hi James thanks for the reply. Just trying it I actually can't even get 
>>> it to work with a batch file ("The filename, directory name, or volume 
>>> label syntax is incorrect"). This doesn't matter however because I also now 
>>> realize that .hta will use internet explorer to run the app, which means 
>>> unfortunately I can't use this for my wiki anyway.
>>> On Sunday, 13 June 2021 at 20:09:25 UTC+1 james.w....@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Just tested and unfortunately not right now.
>>>> I have a few places where i call 
>>>> WshShell.Run( "cmd /c " + path + " " + args ); From a quick google making 
>>>> the "cmd /c" part call "powershell -File " maybe with some other settings 
>>>> like -executionpolicy unrestricted.
>>>> I know next to nothing about powershell though.
>>>> if you take a look at 
>>>> http://welford.github.io/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fwelford%2Ftwexe%2Ftwexe.js
>>>> specifically 
>>>> TWExeWidget.prototype.runTiddler = function (event) {
>>>> TWExeWidget.prototype.openFile = function (event) {
>>>> and can give me a working string format for  powershell scripts i can 
>>>> update the plugin to provide the shell in which it will run via a field. 
>>>> e.g. twexe_shell: powershell, so that we can support both.
>>>> On Sunday, 13 June 2021 at 19:18:45 UTC+1 Si wrote:
>>>>> Thanks James I did not know this existed! I was looking for something 
>>>>> similar a while ago.
>>>>> Can you use it to run PowerShell scripts?
>>>>> On Tuesday, 4 May 2021 at 13:31:27 UTC+1 james.w....@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> Incase any windows/hta users still use this:
>>>>>> I've updated this plugin. the source is here: 
>>>>>> https://github.com/welford/twexe and you can grab a copy of the 
>>>>>> updated plugin from http://welford.github.io/
>>>>>> The big change is that you can run the contents of a tiddler as a 
>>>>>> batch file, which should help keep things portable (between machines / 
>>>>>> environments, not cross platform). 
>>>>>> It will create a temporary twexe.bat file in %TEMP% fill it with the 
>>>>>> contents of the tiddler and then run it. You can change the default 
>>>>>> temporary location via  $:/plugins/welford/twexe/tmpdir
>>>>>> in the attached image i have two examples, one will run my local 
>>>>>> node.js tw, the other just an example batch file that prints hello and 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> first arg passed to it.

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