Hey @Saq: That demo of Streams-as-editor 
(what i presume is performing the magic, from browsing the plugin list) is 
indeed interesting... But it freezes up when i push the "save" button (have 
downloaded and tried an instance in both TiddlyDesktop and current Chrome 
browser; no joy), so i don't know what sort of result it yields.  I'd 
install the plugin (the one labelled version 0.0.01, right?)  if i weren't 
afraid of what havoc it might wreak in my wiki, and how it plays alongside 
current Streams plugin (0.2.18 is what i have just installed).  Won't ask 
you to touch it, but if you have any sage advice to share, i'm all ears :-)

As to those other methods you outlined in the docs: I did consider them, 
but none yields the result i want.  The first one disregards node 
hierarchy, while the others yield html output.  What i need is a text 
format that preserves hierarchy, whether .MD or native wikitext and saves 
to a single tiddler; if that save process be a one-button save, then it 
should be wikitext, since that is default.  I hear you say that, given 
those approaches you laid out, i might "easily set up [my] own markdown 
export," but here my usual IABASF (I Am But A Simple Farmer) copout applies 

Still: i'm not afraid to diddle with my Tiddly innards a bit, as time 
permits - which it does not just now, alas. 
Meanwhile: i too would very much like to know who else is using Streams 
regularly, and in what sort of workflow(s). 
So if you are one, dear reader, please let us know!

On Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 3:59:33 PM UTC+1 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Walt, 
> Hopefully you will get input from people actually using Streams as to what 
> works for them.
> One of the things I would dearly like to know is how many people are 
> actually using Streams on a regular basis, and what their workflow looks 
> like. My feeling is its a very small handful and I'll admit that probably 
> influences how much time I devote to working on Streams.
>> But then: the result is a slew of tiddlers with long numeric IDs that, 
>> tho nicely presented in the edit window as a clean hierarchal outline, 
>> cannot be either flattened into a single tiddler, nor exported or even 
>> copy/pasted into the tiddler body via any built-in affordance.  I've been 
>> going the copy/paste way so far, but it's a hard road to travel, given any 
>> significant length and/or complexity to your outline. 
> Have you considered any of the methods outlined here?
>  https://saqimtiaz.github.io/streams/#Working%20with%20streams%20tiddlers
> Now: plugin author Saq said essentially 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/vlAZ_K4K63o/m/9lO63cZEAQAJ> 
>> that the only reason he hasn't built in any such affordance is that he 
> doesn't know what users want: a simple concatenation of the stream? a 
>> hierarchial structure in some form?
> It's a bit more than that. Each node in a stream is a tiddler and can have 
> any content. Streams was originally envisioned not just for rapid note 
> taking but also for the ability to divide your text into smaller tiddlers 
> as you write/edit. As such it is difficult to envisage a single export 
> format that would work for everyone's content.  However using the 
> approaches outlined in the link above you can easily set up your own 
> markdown export.
>> For me, the best (and simplest?) solution would be to convert the stream 
>> to Markdown: each node being just a line of text preceded by a number of 
>> asterisks (1->any) to reflect its level in the hierarchy.  
> The issue is that MD tiddlers will always be second class citizens in 
> TiddlyWiki. I think in the long run this isn't going to be a feasible 
> approach unless all you want to do is write your notes and export them 
> outside of TiddlyWiki. Also note that while MD syntax does support 
> multiline content in lists, TW markup does not ( at least not cleanly).
> As an aside, I think something like this unfulfilled experiment would suit 
> your use case from what I know of it:
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/drA7IEx2Ng0/m/67pyPkgKBgAJ
> Before you ask, no plans to take that any further, in part due to the 
> reasons outlined above.
> Cheers,
> Saq

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