Poop.  Typo:  there is one *KINK* in the setup.

On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 1:27:44 PM UTC-4 Charlie Veniot wrote:

> Arg.  I forgot to mention there is one kind in the setup: tiddler import 
> mechanism.
> An enterprising and knowledgeable-enough TiddlyWiki user can break my 
> secure setup by dragging and dropping a tiddler that totally up-ends my 
> fine-grained security.  That's the one thing I need to resolve.
> On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 1:22:46 PM UTC-4 Charlie Veniot wrote:
>> Alternatively, you could setup a "guest" login account that anybody could 
>> use to edit only certain tiddlers.
>> For that to work requires some trickery that allows only certain users to 
>> do certain things for certain tiddlers.
>> It is a setup for fine-grained user-id/role fine-grained control which I 
>> seem to have working, but have no time to explain.  Just know it can be 
>> done, just with tiddlers.
>> On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 1:10:51 PM UTC-4 Charlie Veniot wrote:
>>> I think how I'd set things up:
>>> Those few tiddlers you want anonymous users to edit, put those in 
>>> another TiddlyWiki, say TiddlyWiki B.  TiddlyWiki A being the one you 
>>> referenced in your OP.
>>> Setup TiddlyWiki A to include TiddlyWiki B.
>>> For tiddlers from TiddlyWiki B, setup an alternative "edit mechanism", 
>>> i.e. a button that pops open that tiddler in a new window that opens 
>>> TiddlyWiki B, with the tiddler from B open for editing.  Maybe a setup so 
>>> that a user can do nothing but edit the specific tiddler (i.e. no access to 
>>> all the other goodies in TiddlyWiki B.  (Using the HTML dialog element 
>>> <https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_dialog.asp> in a TiddlyWiki B 
>>> tiddler, you could cover the entire browser page with an editor for the one 
>>> tiddler.  No access to anything else TiddlyWiki B.  The user presses save 
>>> button. )
>>> As an alternative to including TiddlyWiki B tiddlers in TiddlyWiki A, it 
>>> might be better to have iframe's in TiddlyWiki A that show tiddlers from 
>>> TiddlyWiki B and allow editing right there.  Reason: TiddlyWiki A won't 
>>> show the latest and greatest from TiddlyWiki B until TiddlyWiki A is 
>>> restarted.  But if TiddlyWiki A shows TiddlyWiki B in iframe windows, no 
>>> problemo.
>>> On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 12:43:44 PM UTC-4 
>>> andres....@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> OK, let me preface this by saying that I am trying to selectively get 
>>>> around the read-only mode on my wiki. 
>>>> I usually run my main instance with anon access for readers and 
>>>> authenticated for writers. It's great and does the job.
>>>> But, I want to be able to allow changes by anons for *some* tiddlers. 
>>>> specifically, I want users to be able to click a button which does an 
>>>> ActionSendMessage of tm-add-tag or tm-remove-tag. But this button only 
>>>> shows up in some tiddlers based on their tags.
>>>> Now, I did add another sendmessage of tm-save-wiki to that button which 
>>>> *does* save the changed tiddler. Unfortunately, i also triggers the 
>>>> download dialog for the html file which is undesirable.  
>>>> Is there any way I can force a save without getting that dialog?
>>>> Is there a better way I can do what I am trying to do?

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