
I think it were good if Eric had a look at this too, as he is
'slightly' more familiar with the inner workings of AutoTaggerPlugin.

I can't see any reason for why TagSearchPlugin should fail when used
with AutoTagger, since all TagSearchPlugin really does is to set or
unset tags via...


No hijacking or anything.

On the other hand, I believe the culprit lies in Eric's hijacking of
the saveTiddler function, especially this line...

arguments[5]=newTags.join(" ");

Which pretty much means... join all AutoTagger-tags and take those
instead of the ones that would have been saved without any
AutoTaggerPlugin. I am wondering why he wouldn't be preserving any
custom tags or why all tags would be removed if one were to remove an
existing one or to add another via TagSearchPlugin.

Cheers, Tobias.

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