Let me rephrase this long and rambling question.

Using the CaptureKeysMacro, can I set up key combinations as seen on
google - press "g" and then "i" to go to inbox, for example?  The
point is that you press one key //and then// another one - you don't
have to press them together.  Is this doable?

See http://bradleymeck.tiddlyspot.com/#CaptureKeysMacro

It looks like several people have asked about getting better key-
combination support in the past and gone wanting...is it an orphan


On Jun 7, 11:10 pm, Trey <ionobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi TW Group!
> I have a question about the captureKeysMacro, an overview of which is
> here:http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/browse_thread/thread/b637fb...
> I'm doing a redesign of my personal TW.  My design concept is all
> based around the ability to do fancy things with hotkeys.  In general
> what I want is the same sort of key-command functionality available in
> Gmail - just start typing (anywhere other than an input-box).  For
> example, at any time in Gmail one can type "g" and then "i" to go to
> the inbox.  No accesskeys required.  I want to do things like:
> - open named sliders
> - open links / tiddlers
> - scroll the window to the first/next/previous/last tiddler with the
> arrow keys
> - focus on the searchbox (shift-alt-s not working in firefox ubuntu)
> - change visibility of an object (e.g. to set css "display: visible"
> or "hidden" to a fixed help window which will remind me of the key
> mapping, also like gmail)
> Is this horrendously difficult?  I think basically I'm looking for a
> beginners tutorial on how to modify this:
> config.macros.captureKeys.captureKey(document,saveChanges,"S",false,false,true);
> (from the help documenthttp://bradleymeck.tiddlyspot.com/#CaptureKeysMacro.)
> Kind of a separate question:
> Javascript can be intimidating for a novice - I have HTML / CSS
> knowledge, but in javascript you start getting seemingly arbitrary
> things like, just as an example,
> config.macros.captureKeys.preventDefault()
> How would I know that this preventDefault existed unless the plugin
> author told me?  How can I find out (on my own) what it does?  Is
> there a central function list somewhere or are these functions all
> uniquely defined within each plugin?  This has confused me and been a
> wall I've run into with TW modification before.
> Appreciate any help.  This group is awesome.
> Trey

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