> Using the CaptureKeysMacro, can I set up key combinations as seen on
> google - press "g" and then "i" to go to inbox, for example?  The
> point is that you press one key //and then// another one - you don't
> have to press them together.  Is this doable?

Probably it's not doable without some advanced scripting. I haven't
tried this, but let's see: the


line handles the key-combination. If SHIFT == false, ALT == false,
CTRL == false, it should handle just key, say "g" (I don't know
whether it would work fine with 3 "false"s). Now you want to avoid
handling in the editing mode (when you just type "g"). So, first you
need to check which mode it is in the handler. I don't know how to do
this. Or, if you want to check whether any of editing textboxes is in
focus, you should script this.

Then, if you checked it, you need to set some "state": '"g" was
pressed'. For this you should probably make a variable, let's call it
gState for the first time. So, the handler of "g" has to switch
gState; later you should think through, what else should change
(reset) gState.

Finally, the other handler (of "i") has to check the gState. Just try
this. The problem which I can forsee is that handler of "i" can be
unable to get the gState (I assume such a thing because one script
placed in the <script> "tag" which works with InlineJavascriptPlugin
doesn't see variables defined in another such script; it's all about
the variables' scope).

And if all the problems are overwhelmed, here it is.

> is it an orphan topic?

I'm not sure what do you mean. CaptureKeysMacro is a step forward;
more "high-level" impementations can be done, but "important" object-
handler pairs is not a trivial things to collect. I think this should
be driven at least by feedback of users. I personally didn't hear
about CaptureKeysMacro, and this is an important exploration, thanks
for this. Probably this would be of use for improving TW experiense on
slider phones (Android and Maemo sliders). But this definitely needs
some familiarizing around the core functions, jQuery etc.. :)
unfortunately, as for now I "know" only JavaScript and DOM, and don't
have enough practice to provide detailed instructions.

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