- taking it a little further:

>I'm sure someone here can make it much better than
> it is now - so please include it and make changes - or send me a
> message (@mama) and I'll add you a member to the @mailbox space...

I'm sure "someone" could create a messageboard very similar to this
google group by:

Creating sliders which show the title of the tiddlers tagged with
Add creator name, date and time corresponding to the first tiddler
created with a specific title.
When you open the slider you will see a list of all other tiddlers
with the same title tagged with @messageboard (more sliders? - //open
all close all - open those with words from a search query?//) of all
other tiddlers with the same title (+ creator name sorted by modified
+ date/time stamp)
Every message has a reply link -
When you click reply to a specific message - your message will
automagically get two tags 1: @messageboard 2: @username of the author
who wrote the message you clicked on...
The @messageboard space can be included into any space (just like
mailbox) however it will not show posts/messages unless they are
tagged with @messageboard...
Limit the list of topics to a number which fits a tiddler and a common
Have a tabs for year -subtabs for month with lists of topics - showing
a number for number of replies.
Use of other tags than @messageboard to classify posts/messages into
Have tabs for categories - subtabs for subcategories

I believe we have all the tools at hand, to make sth which looks and
behaves very much like this google group...
but can be a lot better because we can search across TiddlySpace and
messages posted/tagged on TiddlySpace better than on this google

I do understand/appreciate that many users follows this group as an
email list - and I believe that a space like @messageboard should
aggregate a nice readable rss-feed (no sliders or macros...)
 - Maybe usernames (attached to each post/message) could be converted
into "mailto links" with emails fetched from a field (optionally)
created in all user space's SiteInfo tiddler - or ...?.

 Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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