
Rather than (some special markup for)#hashtags, I would think it were
much better to index and detect either the paragraphs or the sections
where #hashtags (/or [[TiddlyLinks]]) are contained, e.g.

!A Section
Some #hashtag in the context of [[some topic]].
!Another Section
Foo bar baz.


A paragraph containing #aHashTag and some subsequent contextual
This would be a new paragraph not consituting the direct context of
the above hashtag.

Besides, the syntax you suggested earlier does not so much conform to
the general use of #hashtags all over the web

So, what I think is missing is a way to index...
* [[TiddlyLinks]]
* #Hashtags
* @Tags
* <AnyPrefix>AnyTag

And then be able to list them highlighting the tag in the context of
* paragraph
* section
* tiddler
....wherein they are contained.

Once you click on a list item (or a dedicated link in relation to it),
you would want the ability to jump to the corresponding element where
the [[TiddlyLink]] or #hashtag or @tag is contained. For whole
tiddlers and sections that would already work (with the additional
requirement of SectionLinksPlugin from TiddlyTools when it comes to

As for paragraphs, it would be required to first index all paragraphs
upon initial inspection when generating the list and then to open the
target element using a hijacked version of displayTiddler which
# require a unique identifier for the target element to be addressed
# render the target element of the tiddler with a unique id
(checksum?) along with a special css class for highlighting it
# eventually jump to the target element upon opening

I remember that @Chris somewhere indexed all paragraphs in one of his
wikis. This would be a perfect starting point for implementing the
paragraph based solution.

All in all, this could be a perfectly generic HashTagsPlugin where not
only hashes but all kinds of prefixes could be used for indexing a

For performance it might be beneficial to persist the hash-tag-map in
the browser memory and perhaps have it created upon startup and
updated on any tiddler change.

Eventually, some RegEx guru might be able to easily spot #hashtags in
tiddler bodies directly returning the section title (/ paragraph
checksum) to the surrounding function.


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