Hi Lyall,

I did have a short look at your plugin, prior to my second post. After
decrypting you call story.refreshAllTiddlers(); which should be

DTP hooks into the core Tiddler.prototype.changed() function to remove
the .data object from an open tiddler, if any other plugin changes the

Since decrypting does change the tiddler.text the cached data object
is removed.

I think, <<showData>> needs to check, if the data object is there. If
not, it needs to rebuild it. IMO that is the problem at the moment.

DataTiddlerPlugin probably is one of the best (insource) documented
plugins I've seen. But I'm not 100% sure. So I think Udo (abegio SW)
should have a closer look ;)


On May 10, 2:50 am, Lyall <lyall.pea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let me know if you think it's a problem with TiddlerEncryptionPlugin.
> Is there a method I should invoke after programatically changing a tiddler
> contents?
> If so, let me know and I can update the TiddlerEncryptionPlugin.
> I must, however, admit I have not really looked at this for quite some
> time, and TiddlyWiki seems to have moved forwards significantly since this
> macro was written.
> ...Lyall

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