On Jul 25, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Jeremy Ruston <jeremy.rus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you want to stay with using TiddlyWiki locally, I think that the best 
> options are:
> 1) To use Firefox+TiddlyFox: this combination works well, and is likely to 
> work into the far future. And it works on Firefox for Android.
> 2) To install locally a serverside version of TiddlyWiki, such as TiddlyWeb, 
> so that you can continue to use Safari. There's a bit of an up-front 
> investment to get it working, but you'd end up with a very flexible and 
> performant solution. You should also be able to use BidiX's TiddlyHome, which 
> is simpler and easier to set up

Thanks, Jeremy. Sounds like it's a case of "good riddance" to Java.

Initially my reaction was that  (2) sounded interesting. After checking 
information on the TiddlyWeb website, though, I get the sense that it's a 
completely different species from TiddlyWiki, that I would not be able to use 
my current TiddlyWiki configuration and plugins, and that there would be a 
significant learning curve, indeed, that it might be completely beyond my 

Am In the ballpark on that? Especially regarding not being able to use my 
current TiddlyWiki configuration? 

If so, perhaps I should give in an go with the Firefox+TiddlyFox combination. 
Would rather not, but perhaps it will more readily accommodate my current usage.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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regard to cause and effect is merely a pose."

- Emanuel Derman

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