Hi Dave

1. I don't see a tiddler for the theme tweaks tab in the control panel. I
> wanted to grab something (the three story width items) from that and put it
> somewhere else. How does one access the theme tweaks tiddler?

The theme tweaks that are shown are part of the current theme. In the case
of Snow white, the tweaks are in:


> 2. How does one properly adjust what appears in the...I think it's called
> page tools? I would like to move or remove buttons from there. Will that be
> set up by including and excluding with tags, like other elements of
> TiddlyWiki 5? Maybe both the page tools and the tiddlers could have a
> custom button bar. In the case of tiddlers, below the subtitle and above
> the tags. Invisible if not implemented.

Since alpha.15 you can adjust the page controls via the tag
$:/tags/PageControls. The tiddler toolbars are similarly adjustable via
$:/tags/ViewToolbar and $:/tags/EditToolbar.

If you wanted a custom button bar in your edit template, just create a
tiddler tagged $:/tags/EditTemplate, and optionally use the list on that
tag to get things in the right order.

The customisation by tag mechanism currently only allows you to move items
by overwriting the corresponding shadow tiddler with one that doesn't have
the associated tag.

> 3. Same with search. I find it annoying that search results and tabs are
> mutually excluding. You can't access a tool from a tab after getting search
> results except by closing the search results, which means you will have to
> do another search to see the results again. Now that everything seems to be
> adaptable by tags, could search also be in a tiddler and placed wherever
> one wants with a tag, like other things? Either where it currently is, or
> as a tab?

Makes sense. I've made a ticket:


> 4. Could there be a 'tag pill text color' field? And maybe the color field
> should be renamed to make it clearer - tagcolor. Users may want to reserve
> 'color' for their own use? Like designers who would use tiddlywiki to
> organize color samples, or something?

I'm against tags being able to specify both their background and foreground
colours. It makes it more likely we'd get garish tags in the wild. I'd
prefer to instead tackle the problem of ensuring that the tag pill text is
visible regardless of the colour.

I wouldn't want to rename the `color` field to something as specific as
tagcolor, since we already use it for other purposes. For instance, if you
open the "Done" tiddler in tw5.com you'll see that the color field is used
as the draw color for the icon assigned to that tiddler.

I appreciate the argument about people maybe wanting to use a field called
'color' for their own purposes. They're already out of luck if they want to
use such common terms as 'text' and 'title'; it's a trade off between
expressiveness and extensibility.

Best wishes


> Dave
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