These are all very impressive improvements, but the first improvement I 
noticed wasn't listed. I noticed that the x buttons to close items listed 
in the "open" tab are visible now! It's amazing how such subtle things can 
feel so big. 

I really like the color palette helper! I can't wait until there are some 
more easy to adjust and add theme options, like a TWC look, with an 
additional column and top bar, and especially an easier way to compact 
everything, without all the wide open empty vertical and horizontal space 
(especially in the sidebar). I know some people like it that way though, 
which is great. Excellent work all around though! 

Speaking of themes, Personally, I like having the contents of the "open" 
bar in a Tiddlersbar sort of look, so I can always see it, and not have to 
switch tabs for it. I imagine that would be achievable through a different 
theme though. A bit beyond my skill.

One final thing though. The term "Autosaving." When used in Tiddlywiki 
context, it means something different than it usually means everywhere 
else. Everywhere else, it means that the document saves a backup of your 
work automatically while you're typing, without you having to save anything 
manually. In TiddlyWiki, it means that whenever you manually save a 
tiddler, it automatically saves the tiddlywiki file too. I'd like to 
suggest some change in terminology, to avoid confusing newcomers. It 
certainly confused me for a long time. Perhaps calling it "quick saving" or 
something? Standard autosaving is still something I'd love to see, but 
that's probably quite a few versions away. Poul implemented it in giewiki 
(actually at my request 3 years ago!), but it sort of freezes for a moment 
whenever it does it. If TW5 ever got it, I hope it avoids that issue. 

Anyway, Cheers, and very well done! I look forward to the next one! Very 
exciting stuff.

On Friday, February 28, 2014 9:07:04 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta has just been released at:
> Particular thanks to Mario Pietsch, Stephan Hradek, Xavier Cazin, Bram 
> Chen and Daniel Barrett for their GitHub contributions to this release. And 
> thanks to everyone whose feedback here has helped to shape and improve this 
> release.
> There's a lot of changes in this release, a couple of which can break your 
> existing TW5 setup:
> * Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
> * Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to $:/SiteTitle and $:/SiteSubtitle
> * Changes to commands used with TiddlyWiki on Node.js
> * Changes to naming of some editions (notably "clientserver" has changed 
> to "server")
> Documentation Improvements
> * Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the 
> TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar contributed by @Tikkoneus
> * Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
> * Tiddlers on now have a link to the original source on 
> GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
> Usability Improvements
> * Added automatic saving on editing a tiddler and a warning when 
> attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
> * Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
> * Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
> * Added TranslationMechanism and translations for Deutsch, Français and 
> Chinese
> * Add error alerts when syncing to a server
> * Added $:/TagManager for easy management of tags
> * Added experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ctrl-enter (or 
> cmd-enter) to finish editing a tiddler
> * Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the 
> target tiddler without navigating to it
> * Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
> Scalability Improvements
> * Added support for LazyLoading of images
> * Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
> See the release note on for more details (click on the 
> green ribbon at the top right).
> As ever, exercise caution when using TiddlyWiki5, and take care to protect 
> your data - and keep careful backups!
> Any feedback, questions, issues are welcome here or on GitHub.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.
> -- 
> Jeremy Ruston
> <javascript:>

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