On Friday, February 28, 2014 4:07:04 PM UTC, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta has just been released at:
> http://tiddlywiki.com/

I've just done the jiggery pokery to get this version included in tank. 
Seems to work correctly.

For those that don't know, tank[1] is yet another hosting solution for 
tiddlers based on TiddlyWeb[2]. It has support for both TiddlyWiki 
Classic[3] and TiddlyWiki 5[4] through a concept called comps[5] and also 
provides a transclusion enabled tiddler and markdown based wiki system. 
There's a list of features on the site[6]. People have asked me what the 
difference is between it and TiddlySpace, so that's written up too[7].

Like TiddlyWiki 5, it's under active development and could charitable be 
called "in beta". The way it uses TiddlyWiki (especially classic) is quite 
different from how it is used in Hoster, TiddlySpace and TiddlyWebWiki so 
could do with some active testing. Feedback very desired and welcomed.

If you try it out, please let me know how it goes.


[1] https://tank.peermore.com/
[2] http://tiddlyweb.com/
[3] https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/docs/TiddlyWiki%20Classic
[4] https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/docs/TiddlyWiki%20Five
[5] https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/docs/composition
[6] https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/docs/Features
[7] https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/tank-notes/TiddlySpace%20and%20Tank

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