Hi Vincent,

great work -- both in quantity and quality (many bugs have gone)!

I haven't redone all the tests (for the 3.x series) yet, but have done some 
of them (one bug have been already fixed in 3.0.2), so let's start from a 
lesser amount of feedback (which is still plenty, probably).

1. Ordinary text
1.1 For a long multiline text block (say, 50 lines), the edit area is 
generated with heigh not only for all the lines (without cutting and scroll 
bar), but even higher, which is not convenient.
1.2 From this, I deduced a proposal for a rough solution for the previewer 
autoscolling (for big text block, the previewed text is sometimes out of 
the screen):
# maximum height of both edit area and previewer should be 50% of the 
screen height, otherwise they got scrollbar
# when edit mode is opened, if the height of either edit area or previewer 
is > 33% of the screen height, the page is autoscrolled so that the top 
border of the previewer coincides with the top of the screen
# if the previewer has the scrollbar, it is (onscroll of the edit area) 
automatically scrolled (see jQuery.scrollTop), so that the ratio (scroll 
position/total height) is the same for the edit area and the previewer

2. Lists
2.1 Now the list items order is changed not only on ctrl+up/down, but also 
on ctrl+left/right (which is totally inconvenient -- ctrl+left is usually 
used for quick navigation, to jump over words)
2.2 Changing of the list order is rather slow
2.3 Still:
2.3.1 both ctrl+enter and enter work as "save and exit the list item edit 
area", I propose to leave the functionality to ctrl+enter and process enter 
as adding of a new line -- otherwise there's no good (inline) way to add a 
new list item
2.3.2 complex list items like this are not handled properly (same thing 
with nested sliders in list items):
* start list item {{justDiv{
> citation
}}} end list item
2.3.3 multi-level lists don't interact well with list items order changing

3. Tables (haven't made consistent testing yet)
3.1 Multiline cells interact in an incorrect way with the following text. 
To understand what I mean, try this in a tiddler:
|text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text long enough to be multiline|
3.2 Inline editing (at least adding/removing colomns) seem to remove 
additional classes. Say, I have a borderless table
After I add a new colomn, the table becomes with borders (it is ok for edit 
mode, but in view mode I would like to have my CSS applied). The 
|borderless|k part is not removed, if the tiddler is reopened, the borders 
are gone again.
CSS here is
.borderless, .borderless tr, .borderless th, .borderless td { border: none 
!important; }
Note the !important part: without it, the stying is not applied at all -- I 
would consider this as a bug, too.

4. Compability bugs
n.1 Nested sliders are somewhy open on load, try this syntax (usually, for 
"open on load" ++++[label]text=== syntax is used)
+++[nested sliders are somewhy]
open on load

Ok, that's all for now. Nice to see the development going on!

Best regards,

PS waiting for slice editing, too :)

пятница, 23 мая 2014 г., 20:48:47 UTC+4 пользователь Vincent Yeh написал:
> Hi Ton,
> Glad to hear you again!
> On Friday, May 23, 2014 9:03:28 PM UTC+8, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Vincent
> Sorry i did not respond earlier but I have been busy with upgrading all my 
> TW5s and customization guides for TW5 to v5.0.12-beta.
> No problem. I am also struggling to study the plugin and refreshing 
> mechanism of TW5 and still not quite sure how exactly to port my plugins 
> over yet.
> One issue I had with twve.core/twve.table v3.0.1 was with the SiteSubtitle 
> of TW; for some reason new text there behaved not normal (sometimes 
> appeared in 2 - different - places).
> Just forget it since with v3.0.2 I don't see that issue anymore.
> Great, although I really have no idea what that "not normal" thing is.
> My last remark in my previous post was : "I now will try it in my main 
> TWclassic."
> I did that but noticed my backstage button had disappeared. I remembered 
> we have seen this before [1].
> An empty TW with twve.core/twve.table does show the backstage button, so 
> it can be one of my plugins is interfering.
> The list of my plugins:
> Wow, a good list of plugins to test!
> DropDownMenuPlugin
> GotoPlugin
> ImageSizePlugin
> ImportTiddlersPlugin
> InlineJavascriptPlugin
> ListFiltrPlugin
> NestedSlidersPlugin
> QuickEditPlugin
> QuickNotePlugin
> QuickOpenTagPlugin
> RenameTagsPlugin
> SaveAndReloadMacro
> SearchOptionsPlugin
> SimpleMessagePlugin
> SystemInfoPlugin
> TabEditPlugin
> TableOfContentsPlugin
> TableSortingPlugin_TB
> Is this TableSortingPlugin_TB different from TableSortingPlugin? I do have 
> TableSortingPlugin and the *twve* work fine with it, but I don't seem to 
> find the _TB version anywhere. Can you send me a copy of it? This is the 
> one that seems to me most related to tables and I'd like to start with it.
> TagSearchPlugin
> TagsplorerMacro
> TiddlerTweakerPlugin
> TiddlersBarPluginMP
> TiddlyFileImportr
> ToggleTagPlugin
> YourSearchPlugin
>   TWted (v1.4.6)
>   TWtable (v1.4.6)
> or
>   twve.core.min
>   twve.table.min
> But that missing backstage button was a minor problem.
> Normal table editing was almost not possible. First of all row and column 
> numbers did not appear when hovering over the table and the extra menu 
> (row/column handling) did not show either.
> When trying to edit a cell, in most cases the tiddler itself showed in - a 
> strange - edit mode (difficult to describe).
> I had the impression it had something to do with the TiddlersBarPlugin 
> and/or TabEditPlugin, but did not investigate it further.
> Then I switched back to TWted (v1.4.6)/TWtable (v1.4.6) to get my TW 
> working again ;-)
> Today, after installing v3.0.2 a big surprise: no weird behavior anymore, 
> I could edit a table in the "normal" way.
> Hmmm, that could be the fixed bugs related to sorting, I guess.
> But:
> * A tiddler without a table is editable: the title and the text (dashed 
> boxes around title and body when hovering)
> * Not only the table is editable. The title and the body text of a tiddler 
> (with or without table) can be edited as well and that gives rise to 
> strange effects.
> Well, with *twve.core* all wrappers -- elements containing tiddler 
> content, being normally loaded or <<tabs>>, <<tiddler>>, <<slider>> 
> transcluded -- are *editable in the view mode*, because all the required 
> codes are there in *twve.core*. Those codes are in twve.core because they 
> are closely related to the *transclusion synchronization* features 
> included in the core: both features must understand
>    1. how to identify the elements holding the content, and
>    2. how to locate their wiki text,
> in order to perform their tasks. That means, when I am able to synchronize 
> the transcluded (and normally loaded) content, I am able to edit them in 
> the view mode.
> I felt strange to disable them since the codes are all there ready to use. 
> But maybe that is bothering you? Maybe I should include options to 
> enable/disable which parts to edit?
> Normally you click outside the table to leave edit mode.
> Clicking outside the tiddler toe leave title/body text editing works 
> partly: you have to click to the left or to the right of the tiddler to 
> leave edit mode. Clicking below the tiddler does nothing.
> An empty TW with twve.core/twve.table did behave differently:
> * A tiddler Test without a table is not editable (not the title, not the 
> text; no dashed boxes around title and body when hovering 
> * When trying to edit a tiddler with a table and some text, you can edit 
> the table and the body text but you *cannot* edit the title.
> But after a reboot, the tiddler Test was editable! The strange thing is 
> that shadow tiddlers like GettingStarted and MainMenu were not editable.
> Still stranger, overwritten shadow tiddlers like SiteTitle and 
> SitSubtitle, are not editable as well, while new made tiddlers are editable!
> Well, I deliberately disabled editing features for shadow tiddlers because 
> I think they are better left alone in the view mode. By "new made" do you 
> mean "new made shadow tiddler"? If so then I need to check...
> Very, very strange.
> Another problem is that tiddlers with tables are not always refreshed (in 
> my main TW). See images of normal table and table that is not refreshed.
> I saw similar results with FoldHeadingsPlugin, does any of your plugins do 
> things like folding/unfolding? If so then I know how to fix it. If not then 
> I need to spend some time...
> Time to bed,  have a nice weekend.
> Have Fun!
> Vincent
> Cheers,
> Ton
> [1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/0FT6iBneYOk/2Dwr7WHogJ8J
> On Friday, May 23, 2014 9:51:25 AM UTC+2, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Ton,
> Glad they worked for you! And since you haven't mentioned any bugs till 
> now, I'll take it as a good news, and I have one, too.
> Release of v3.0.2.
>    1. Quite some bug fixes and some improvements. See Release Note v3.0.2 
>    at 
> TiddlySpace<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BRelease%20Note%20v3.0.2%5D%5D>or
>    *TiddlySpot*
>    <http://twve.tiddlyspot.com/#%5B%5BRelease%20Note%20v3.0.2%5D%5D>
>    2. Cloned the *twve* page from TiddlySpace to *TiddlySpot*
>       - I have fixed the *Error in macro *issue with TiddlySpot (see this 
>       thread in TiddlyWiki 
> Group<https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/tiddlywiki/RQ3TTvTk2MA>), 
>       you can copy the fixed 
> PasswordOptionsPlugin<http://twve.tiddlyspot.com/#PasswordOptionsPlugin>from 
> my 
>       twve.tiddlyspot.com.
> Have Fun!
> Vincent
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:32:42 PM UTC+8, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> Your fixes in v3.0.1 work:
> 1) Prettylinks do not add an extra cell and can be edited in the normal 
> way.
> 2) Options menu works good
> 3) Hovering over GettingStarted doesn't show dotted boundaries and 
> clicking this tiddler does not give a message anymore.
> I now will try it in my main TWclassic.
> Cheers,
> Ton
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 3:10:43 PM UTC+2, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Hi Ton,
> It is a good idea to add the Options Menu to the table menu (the hamburger 
> you said), so I did. Thanks.
> Release of the *twve* v3.0.1, mainly some quick bug fixes. See Release 
> Note 
> v3.0.1<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BRelease%20Note%20v3.0.1%5D%5D>for 
> mor
> ...

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