Hi Yakov,

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. 

I have in mind to begin by writing math books because they have a very 
logical structure.

To begin with I was playing around with writing my own content and also 
making video - which in itself could be an important component of an 
intelligent textbook.

Recently I came to the conclusion that if I wanted to actually make 
something happen that other people would see the value in then I should try 
to show some sort of "minimum viable product" - ie; an actual textbook that 
you could, in theory, use to teach an actual class. To this end, I have 


On Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:48:01 AM UTC+10, Yakov wrote:
> Hello Richard,
> what education topics are you interested in? I'm interested in this idea, 
> too -- mostly in math, physics and IT, so may be I can help with some 
> aspects..
> Best regards,
> Yakov.
> вторник, 17 июня 2014 г., 7:15:49 UTC+4 пользователь Richard Smith написал:
>> Hi There.
>> My name is Richard and I am a huge fan of TiddlyWiki. I think it is a 
>> really awesome project and I thank you all greatly for it.
>> I have an ambitious idea of how TW could be used to build open-source 
>> textbooks for high school students by allowing multiple 
>> intersecting/overlapping editions of each book to co-exist, drawn from a 
>> common pool of educational fragments.
>> From what I have read so far it seems that TW, with TiddlyWeb as a 
>> back-end, has basically all of the functionality necessary to make this 
>> happen in a rudimentary way.
>> I am currently building a prototype to demonstrate how I imagine such a 
>> thing might work and am learning how to use TiddlyWeb by working through 
>> the documentation.
>> I'm not stupid with computers, but nor do I have any serious 
>> web-developer chops. I've set myself the task of learning javascript as 
>> quickly as possible, but I'm still pretty far out of my depth and I hope I 
>> will be able to ask some silly questions here as I go. You do all seem very 
>> friendly.
>> My question today is whether there is anything out there already which 
>> is similar to what I've described? I have searched extensively but I 
>> still figured it best to ask the community. I have read that there are 
>> several educational projects already using TW, including Unamesa, who's 
>> site I have seen, but as far as I can tell they are only using TW for 
>> content-delivery and not content-creation or collaboration.
>> I would also appreciate any advice at all that you might have about my 
>> idea - especially if there's some reason you don't think it will work.
>> Cheers
>> Richard

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