
OK -- here's a quick hack (this works because there is only one title in 
the string 'current tiddler'.)

\define stringify()  [[$(string)$]]

<$set name="string" value= {{$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler}}>
<$button set="$:/StoryList!!list" setTo=<<stringify>>>
Clear All Tiddlers Except Current Tiddler


On Monday, 12 October 2015 14:55:23 UTC+2, Siniy-Kit wrote:
> this way is not easy.... Can we get data from the field "list" of the 
> "$:/StoryList" tiddler? and remove from "list" all tiddlers with tag $:/TOC 
> except current?
> понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г., 9:44:15 UTC+3 пользователь Tobias Beer 
> написал:
>> Hi Siniy-Kit,
>> Hi, Tobias. I understood what you mean. I deleted opened tiddler from 
>>> DOM, and then I try to open it again I saw an empty screen, because 
>>> navigator.js try to find it in history and make  display:block;, but don't 
>>> find it. if  I don't want to modify core, is it possible to put a little 
>>> script to the  top of the tiddler  and to *run it when tiddler is 
>>> opened*?
>>> and I want to close all tiddlers except current 
>>> [tag[$:/TOC]!is[current]] 
>> Without looking at what you tried exactly and how it's a bit difficult to 
>> tell what could be done differently.
>> Assuming you talk about NavigatorWidget.prototype.addToStory() 
>> <https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/424b2fea3279c14daac0b0ca2baabc7c8ad7d41e/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js#L116>
>>  now...
>> If you only want to remove any tiddlers matching a given filter, you 
>> need to...
>>    - perhaps persist that filter as a config somewhere so as to not have 
>>    it hard-wired in your core modifications
>>       - read that filter via *remove 
>>       = $tw.wiki.getTextReference("$:/config/RemoveOnOpenFilter")*
>>    - run that filter against the store via *tids =* 
>>    *$tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(remove)*
>>    - check all items in the history against titles matching that filter
>>    - splice out any that match
>>    - set the history to the thus trimmed array
>>    - eventually append the title you wanted to open in the first place
>> Best wishes,
>> — tb

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