Hi Tobias!

Try to always point at where to find (new) things.

    * New collapse/expand feature

Ooops...I forgot to add the link, thanks for the reminder.

Any demo?

I'll add it to the wiki...

    * Add nocollapse attribute to disable collapsing links

I can see that at:


...but, turns out, I cannot edit tiddlers, neither on your side nor after
downloading it.

hmmm. this is strange, I can edit and do everything in Chrome (Chromium) version 46 and firefox version 42. What browser are you using?
What specific error do you get that doesn't let you edit?

BTW, the links inside the nodes are just plain tiddler links, you can't edit the links in place if that is what you were talking about.

Of course it won't let you save anything back to the server, but you should be able to edit in your browser

    * Fix bug with vertical scroll bars appearing
      in some cases when they are not needed

I am seeing one right out of the box where I wouldn't expect it:

I think this is also browser dependent, let me know the browser name and version you are using

    * Fix bug which could cause indefinite adding of
      functions to onresize event

I am also seeing the arrows disappear when the graph starts scrolling out
of view, is that intentional?

No, they should not dissapear

Why would they move / change depending on scrolling?

I have special code that keeps everything aligned properly during scroll events,
again I think it has to do with browser version

Thank you so much for your help, I appreciate it.
Personally, I would not package any comprehensive documentation or demos into a plugin. That's better > placed at your site. I think it's good to try and keep wiki size low for users.

The plugin is only about 20K. It does not contain a demo or any comprehensive documentation. I even have minified javascript to make it so small.

The wiki that you see at ihm4u.github.io/tw5plugs is not the plugin, but the demo site (which allows you to install the plugin). The actual plugin is in the repo, and it gets bundled into the demo wiki by the development environment.


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