Hi ihm,

> > 1. Can the user specify a backup directory (rather than have backups 
> > saved alongside the wiki)? 
> Yes, in Control Panel -> Saving -> Backup Directory. 

Just put the directory name in there.

Very cool that you fully support these settings.
Well, kinda makes sense. After all, you implemented a slim server for it.

BTW, you can also change the "Upload Directory" to something other   
> than '.'  and it will also automatically save the html file with the name 
> in "Upload   
> Filename". I use this myself to write the webpage for github gh-pages.

Interesting, atm I'm fully working with the node server and fine with it.
Well, actually, I do prefer to work on .tid files.
However, for a non-dev end user, this is just great,
especially the ability to still auto-generate the html alongside
and perhaps have some ftp client auto-publish that to the web 

A bit of testing...
I happened to delete the password in the ControlPanel for saving,
now I only get the download dialog.
I figured, ok I just try entering "twexe" and it saves the wiki.
Actually, any password will do. A bit odd, but ok.
Perhaps an option to actually set a true password may be good...
to prevent overwrites on a local network.

It's great that I can set upload and backup-dirs as I want,
decouples the exe from the wiki. Kudos.

One (obvious) thing that won't work is having two twexe run at the same 
Perhaps you can have some error handling as to
whether or not a given port is actually available and,
if not pick the next one, e.g. 8081...
Or is the port already configurable somehow?

Best wishes,


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