No way! I finished a UML2.0 class just a month ago and was thinking that 
UML would be a perfect thing to implement in TW. With the release of 
Astrids wonderful Railroad diagrams, I recall @Jeremy explicitly saying 
that he was very interested exploring TW as a "notational tool" (paraphrase 
there). I'd agree that is extremely interesting - imagine musical notes for 

A thought; Couldn't this be made into an *edition*? (...which, which 
probably Railroad should be too). This way it can be promoted as more of a 
standalone tool with a particularly interesting and powerful UI for people 
who search for UML tools. I believe it is valuable to make TW things that 
are *not really about* TW into standalones that work as a potential gateway 
(an appetizer <>!) 
into TW. While the PlantUML community might not be huge (or?) it is on the 
other hand very much the "kind" of people that would be valuable for the TW 

@Jeremy - any thoughts on this?

BTW, I was happy to note that discover PlantUML  according to Wikipedia 
is UML 2.0

@Tobias - forgive me if it is obvious but what does "*Render plantuml 
diagrams **online*" mean? Can it not be used offline? Is it somehow 
connected to the PlantUML servers?

@Anibal - also my thanks to your for your previous TW2 work on this!


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