Hi *c pa*, thanks for that. So, it looks like once your "person" object 
tiddler has been created, its title field is inviolate, and cannot be 
edited by the user. What is the initial value of the title field at 
creation time? If it is a name, say  title:Joe Bloggs, what happens when 
the user then comes along and uses your *<$edit>* widgets to change the 
firstname and surname fields to firstname:Jane and surname:Doe but the title 
still shows as title:Joe Bloggs? That is one of the things I'm trying to 
avoid having happen.


On Saturday, 9 April 2016 06:46:57 UTC+12, c pa wrote:
> Hegert,
> The techniques that I am using are as follows:
> 1. Create a defined tag for each object type (person, company, call, 
> document, etc. ) (tag names are all lower case)
> 2. Create a tiddler for each object type tag and tag that tiddler with 
> "object"
> 3. Edit the object tiddler to create an edit screen for the object type to 
> allow the user to edit fields of the object
> e.g.:
> title: person
> text:
> First Name: <$edit field="firstname" />
> Surname: <$edit field="surname" />
> Employer: (One tiddler reference allowed) <$select field="employer">
>     <option value="" > -- </option>
>     <$list filter="[tag[company]]">
>         <option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
>     </$list>
> </$select>
> Siblings: (One to many relationship) <<listHere siblings>>
> 4. Create a viewTemplate that displays the object tiddler at the top of 
> the tiddler (So the user, when directly viewing the tiddler, can edit the 
> fields) (Note they cannot edit the field: text)
> 5. In addition I almost always create a navigation tiddler with <<listHere 
> person>> and an <<editHere person>> widgets so I can manage the objects 
> from a central point
> I've been working on a standardized set of macros for this that I've 
> posted as the listHere tiddler on cpashow.tiddlyspot.com but I'm still 
> changing things for wvwey new tiddlywiki I create but I've got lots of code 
> you can use.

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