Hi Mat

Yes. I want to create a template for a tabbed tiddler where the parent 
tiddler and each of the tabs have the same title but the tabs will also 
have a suffix. This way if I need to edit a tab, I will be able to verify 
which tiddler is the parent. I maybe looking at doing this the wrong way. 
Can you explain how the caption field would be used?

I think I have vertical tabs working. Is it class:"tc-vertical" or 
class=tc-vertical? The parameters are given but not used in the examples on 
tiddlywiki.com so I'm unclear on what this and other syntax should be.

You're right. I'm not using it because what I tried didn't work and broke 
the tabs. I tried this:

<<tabs tabsList:"[[<<currentTiddler>>: Description]] [[<<currentTiddler>>: 
[[<<currentTiddler>>: Frequency]] [[<<currentTiddler>>: Script Name]] [[<
<currentTiddler>>: Monitoring Criteria]] [[<<currentTiddler>>: Alert 
Trigger Criteria]] [[<<currentTiddler>>: Immediate Reaction Steps]]" 

and this

<<tabs tabsList:"<<currentTiddler>>[[: Description]] <<currentTiddler>>[[: 
<<currentTiddler>>[[: Frequency]] <<currentTiddler>>[[: Script Name]] [[<
<currentTiddler>>: Monitoring Criteria]] <<currentTiddler>>[[: Alert 
Trigger Criteria]] <<currentTiddler>>[[: Immediate Reaction Steps]]" 

but neither works.

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 4:50:02 PM UTC-5, Mat wrote:
> Hi wolfsong
> On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 10:27:18 PM UTC+2, wolfsong wrote:
>> After looking through the forum a bit I think I need something that's a 
>> close to this 
>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/tiddlywiki/tabs$20template/tiddlywiki/KCu4GqZiH94/Lj0MIgr_IgAJ>
>>  where 
>> I have a template for a tabbed document that separates each section into 
>> it's own tiddler. I'm just not certain how to pass the name of to the 
>> sections and do this as a template. I have a macro that sorta works in that 
>> it creates the tabs when called
>> \define monitoringtabs(<<currentTiddler>>)
>> <<tabs tabsList:"[[Description]] [[Devices]] [[Frequency]] [[Script 
>> Name]] [[Monitoring Criteria]] [[Alert Trigger Criteria]] [[Immediate 
>> Reaction Steps]]" class:"tc-vertical">>
>> \end
>> What I'd like the template to actually do is call the macro and create 
>> the tabs but with the naming convention of Parent Title: Description, 
>> Parent Title: Frequency, etc. but only show the suffix for each of the 
>> tabs. Is that possible?
> In spite of your obvious efforts to make the questions very clear, it's a 
> bit vague to me (what is "a tabbed document" - do you mean a tabbed 
> tiddler? And I certainly don't understand "use a template to pull in 
> tiddlers") ...but I think I got at least a few things. So FWIW;
> For getting a tab to show something else than the title of the tiddler it 
> is showing, you use a caption field in the tiddler.
> To get vertical tabs, I'm guessing (based on docs, didn't try) that you 
> just put class="tc-vertical" inside the tabs macro, perhaps at extreme 
> right.
> In your macro def, I don't think you should include the currentTddler 
> macro call as  an argument. Try to just leav the parameter list empty i.e 
> () and just make the call inside the actual macro where you need it. 
> However, it doesn't look like you're using it so... just skip it.
> Hope this is of at least some help. But keep on asking for the other stuff.
> <:-)

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