If you have any external images, they will also not show up.

node.js only serves up tiddlers, nothing else. Apparently modern browsers 
won't let you link to a local file or image from page served up by a server 
(which is how it views files from node.js). So, if you needed those images 
or files, you would need to run a separate file server and then change all 
your addresses to point to that server.

This limitation is one reason why I can't get excited about node.js. I can 
only assume that people using node.js aren't interested in images and other 
resources. To me images and supporting files are an important part of any 
information management system. If I only cared about text I'd probably just 
concentrate on SimpleNotes or other similar solutions.

Good luck!

On Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 6:46:03 PM UTC-7, Jeff Vance wrote:
> I'm experimenting with using node.js setup for the first time.  My 
> personal TW has gotten pretty huge and I was curious to see what using the 
> node.js setup is like.  However, one major problem is I have lots of links 
> to PDF files using file:///path/to/file.  They worked fine before, but 
> under node.js, my browser won't let me click them.  There are no errors or 
> messages or anything.  I just click the link and nothing happens. I tried 
> Firefox and Safari.  In both cases, I have to copy the link and paste it 
> into the address bar to actually go to the file.
> Is this a common problem? If there is no way around it, I might ditch the 
> node.js idea altogether. I have tons of PDFs I've indexed this way, so not 
> being able to link to them is a deal breaker.

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