Mark S. wrote:
> I've never noticed that calc before. That is cool. What does "* 1vw" do ? 
> Multiply by Volkswagens?

Haha! Yeah, either that or it's a CSS unit 
<>. It stands for 
"view-width", i.e 

.mystyle {
  width: calc({{myvaluetiddler}}% * 1vw);

I recommend checking out calc(). Very useful. It can do math on things with 
different css units. In this case above, it transcludes the number and adds 
% as unit and multiplies it with the viewport width. Note that the 
transclusion didn't have to have a unit, it could also read 
calc({{myvaluetiddler}} * .01 * 1vw)

For another thing I'm just experimenting with, I tried to "extract" the css 
calc() so it can be used for other things but no success. In the research 
process I stumbled over this <> 
fun trickery for a pure CSS calculator. Clearly unusable, but really fun.


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