codacoder wrote:
> The "everything is a tiddler" philosophy doesn't always sit well with 
> dominantly-appended lists (either list fields or the list widget itself)[1].

As far as I can tell, this is not a matter of the "everything is a tiddler 
philosophy" because the arguments are deliberately omitted in the filter. 
...which, btw and IMO, is particularly inappropriate where the user 
explicitly puts those arguments in the filter. 

  The dominant append approach is vital for UI construction, for obvious 
> reasons, 

Hm, I feel like I'm nit-picking semantics but does "dominent append 
approach" necessarily mean it also filters out stuff?


> but if the list widget had some kind of pragma attribute that controlled 
> its behavior in this regard, then we could stop using the pre-restricted 
> *list* field (which is also a problem) and use any other field(s) for 
> lists where the content is under user (our) control.  Something like... 

> <$list filter="blah" prefilter=none> ...

Yeah. If I recall, Jeremy said the listwidget is very complex and he is not 
in favour of introducing further complexity for it. I might have it mixed 
up with some other widget. Still, it is such a central widget so IMO it 
must either be very powerful or we need multiple niche widgets.

Thanks for your input, codacoder :-)


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