Warm welcome TiddlyNoob!

TW is fantastic, and I didn't even know something like this existed. 

Please tell your friends! (examples 
<http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelpingTiddlyWiki>). And, yeah, it IS amazing!!!

>    - [...]as close to just plain text files as possible, so that I don't 
>    rely on TW still being around 30 years from now, or rely on remembering 
> how 
>    to use/maintain the infrastructure I created. So while macros, variables, 
>    plugins, etc. are all very interesting and powerful, I want to limit these 
>    as much as possible, and just use the built in markup language (WikiText) 
>    and the regular tagging/linking system.
> Interesting point. It makes sense that you're using the nodejs version. 
You, as a developer, could possibly build a radically simplified 
alternative engine for the tiddlers that hold your personal content. So 
that only bare bone text is presented. Very interesting idea.

>    - The tagging system is great, but the fact that titles of tiddlers 
>    are unique identifiers is taking a while for me to get used to. I'm 
> anxious 
>    every time I create a new tiddler because I feel like I need to put a lot 
>    of thought in to the title, knowing that it has to be unique, but also 
>    easily referenced via a link or tag. 
> Currently, yes. If we get tags and hard links to update on title changes, 
under some certain forms, then this should be solved IMO.

>    - Part of my anxiety from above has to do with trying to fit 
>    everything in my life (wiki, journal, to-do lists, etc) in one TW, and 
> thus 
>    the titles take on even more importance because as I add things for the 
>    next 20 years, it still needs to be organized, and every title needs to be 
>    unique. I could use multiple TW's, however then I lose the ability to link 
>    between concepts across multiple TW's, and trying to update TW and keeping 
>    a consistent set of plugins, macros, etc across multiple TW's would be a 
>    nightmare. Not to mention, I would need to spin up multiple TW's at once 
> if 
>    I wanted a full picture of my life, which would be disconnected since it's 
>    spread across multiple TW's.
> I thought the nodejs version allows a tiddler to be part of any TW? I only 
use vanilla TW so I don't know, but I thought that was one of the main 
selling points.


> I guess what would be nice is if there was a way to have everything in one 
> TW, but namespaced 

You may wish to check out this bit 
<http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#namespace>by TWizard Tobias Beer. His stuff 
is truly top notch and he has been an incredible force majeure in the 
community. (Unfortunately have not seen him lately.) The link is to his 
main site so much more stuff there than namespace bit.
Again, please do tell your friends or colleagues about TW. Everyone is 
valuable for the TW project.


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