What Tony is saying, and I agree, is to use something like the datepicker 
plugin or the <<now>> macro (with the [UTC]YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX option) 
to save your dates. Then use <$view format=...> to display your dates 
however you want. If you store your dates in native TW5 format you will 
find more code and plugins that can use that format.  I sympathize with 
wanting to use dates like 01.20.2018, but there's not a lot of good tools 
for splitting text. The various filters for date functions built into TW5 
expect dates in the native TW5 format.

> When I modify the value of the field "due", then that value should be 
copied into the field "date", but not in the format YY-MM-DD, but in the 
format DD-MM-YY.
> For example: If I modify the value "18.01.01" in the field "due" to the 
value "19.01.01", then the value in the field "date" is automatically 
edited to "01.01.19" (or even better to "1. Nov. 19").

What you would probably need to do is to build your own input field and 
button that could populate both fields at once. But it would be better to 
just store the date once in TW5 format as mentioned above.

Good luck,
-- Mark

On Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 8:17:30 AM UTC-8, Surya wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> ...my advice is always store dates in the tiddlywiki date serial number 
>> format and use the format to display as desired. Plugins and more can 
>> usualy use tiddlywiki dates not bespoke date formats.
> >>> I am sorry, I don't really understand, what I can do with this 
> information...
> I found this: ActionSetField-RemoveField (
> http://tobibeer.github.io/tw/batch/#ActionSetField-RemoveField).
> Maybe my wish could be possible with that (modified)?
> The command is written with this:
> <$button>
> <$action-setfield $field="due" $value="18.01.01"/>
> set: due => 18.01.01
> </$button>
> <$button>
> <$action-setfield $field="due"/>
> delete: due
> </$button>
> ''due'': {{!!due}}
> With this command I can automatically create the field "due" and write 
> into it "18.01.01". I tried it, it works :-)
> Could I modify it to build the following?:
> When I modify the value of the field "due", then that value should be 
> copied into the field "date", but not in the format YY-MM-DD, but in the 
> format DD-MM-YY.
> For example: If I modify the value "18.01.01" in the field "due" to the 
> value "19.01.01", then the value in the field "date" is automatically 
> edited to "01.01.19" (or even better to "1. Nov. 19").
> Is that possible (and how to build that command?)?
> Thanks in advance! Surya

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