
I understand the difficulties you are facing, my point on the space issue 
is do not concern yourself until you experience the problems you fear. 

It is not possible to to give a clear statement about TiddlyWiki working 
sizes as there are many variables, since mobile use is somewhat new we do 
not have a long history to work from. 
In addition mobile can be impacted by the phone itself and the browser you 
are using perhaps even more than technical issues in TiddlyWiki.

I use a 17MB+ TiddlyWIki Classic on TiddlyDesktop, and a number of 10Mb+ 
TW5s in FireFox via TiddlyServer with no issues.

It is amazing what you have achieved with the language differences and 
technical inexperience its is a testament to your determination, and the 
support of this forum that you have achieved so much. You must be 

I for one have found coding TiddlyWiki difficult despite my experience 
because in some ways it is still a "work in progress" and not always well 
documented, a lot of us are working to improve it for new users.

The key piece of experience I am trying to share is "be careful not to make 
it too complicated for yourself by holding onto concerns such as space 
requirements".  At this stage of your learning it is best to use existing 
tools and plugins and deal with space issues when they arise.

As I have not being pushing the mobile wiki size much perhaps others have 
tips, My mobile use has being with mobile dedicated wikis on top of Turmux 
allowing me to view the wiki from the desktop over the local area network. 
My Mobile apps are so far designed to meet specific mobile needs, not every 

I plan to release some plugins that may help you but others need to help 
you with the above technical questions.

Best of luck

On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 7:15:54 AM UTC+11, Surya wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been experimenting a lot again. My ambition to find the perfect 
> solution & to learn raised again...
> @Mark and Stef:
> maybe I'll come back to your suggested solutions. At the moment I 
> experiment again with ToDoNow.
> @Tony:
> I have been asking (I think even more than one time) some time ago, if it 
> is true, that a big wiki can cause problems. I read somewhere, that it can 
> begin on mobile devices at about 4MB. I asked in this group, if this 
> information is correct. But no one answered.
> *So I ask now again: At which size does a wiki begin to make problems (on 
> mobile devices AND on computer)?*
> I need my wikis at both- mobile AND computer.
> And: You're talking like I would be able (having the knowledge) how to 
> develop things in TW. But I don't have any knowledge. For me it is like 
> with an unknown language, say turkish. I understand the facial expression, 
> and I know about ten words. So when people talking in this language I 
> understand only very small fragments and even this fragments I 
> missunderstand often.
> In TW the language are the codes, commands, css, and so on and so on. 
> Additionally everything is in english. I can talk in english with people, 
> not very deep, but it's okay. But english in TW and in this group is 
> concerning to computer- not everyday-english.
> I don't know what all the < > $ { / and so on mean. I don't know in which 
> sequence everything needs to be written. And I found nowhere any 
> documentation about these things. Also I don't how the language of TW is 
> called, to eventually google it for learning.
> Okay, complained enough ;-)
> Because of what you said, I experimented again with ToDoNow.
> Even if it is not my solution (because of size or other reasons), it is / 
> was a good thing to learn a little bit.
> And I found out now, how I can display my ToDo-list with ToDoNow in that 
> way I would like.
> In my wiki for such experiments I have now these plugins: ToDoNow + 
> Listreveal + Datepicker + Checklist + ToDoNow Outlook Addon.
> In the Outlook Addon I found a way to display my wanted ToDo-list with 
> this:
> \define teBigSaveButton(class:"te-third")
> <$vars tv-config-toolbar-icons="yes"> 
> @@.te-btn-big.$class$ {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki}}@@ 
> </$vars> 
> \end 
> \define teBigNewTaskButton(class:"te-first") 
> <$wikify name="tt" text=<<telang New-ToDo-Item>>><$button tooltip=<<tt>> 
> message="tm-new-tiddler" param="ToDo Item" class="te-btn-big te-create 
> $class$">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button></$wikify> 
> \end 
> <<teBigNewTaskButton>> 
> !! <<telang "This-week">> 
> <$set name="listfilter" value="""[all[]tag[ToDo]][all[]tag[ToDoNow]] 
> +[days:todo-deadline[700]sort[todo-deadline]]"""> 
> <ul class="te-list"> 
> <$list filter=<<listfilter>> emptyMessage="<li 
> class='todo-empty'><<telang 'Relax-Nothing-to-do'>></li>"> 
>  <<todonowShowListItem>> 
> </$list> 
> </ul> 
> </$set>
> In another experiment I managed successfully to show me tasks which are 
> today or on past days with a red marker „late“ with this:
> <ul>
>  <$list filter="[all[]tag[ToDo]][all[]tag[ToDoNow]] 
> +[days:todo-deadline[700]sort[todo-deadline]]"> 
>  <li> 
>  <$link><$view field="title"/></$link> 
>  <$list filter="[<currentTiddler>days:todo-deadline[+60]]"> 
> @@color:red;^^late^^@@</$list> 
>  </li> 
>  </$list> 
> </ul>
> How could I integrate this „late marker“ in the first mentioned solution?
> *And 2. question:*
> In which tiddler should I write my wanted view format for the field 
> "todo-deadline"?
> So that the deadline-dates which are shown in the ToDo-List in ToDoNow are 
> shown like I want?
> Best regards, Surya

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