Whenever you need to concatenate, you almost need a helper macro. Something 
like this might work:

\define myfilter() [tag[action]hive[$(title)$]]

<$vars title={{!!title}}>
<$macrocall $name=mymacro filter=<<myfilter>> columns="title date text" 
columns2="UID Date Notes"/>

Of course, I'm just guessing at your argument names and I had no way of 
testing this. You might be able to do this without using <$macrocall>, but 
macrocall is usually a little more predictable. You could also set up your 
environmental variables and then pick them up inside your JS macro using 
getVar (or is it getVariable? -- look around). Then you could concatenate 
within your JS (JS being a lot more predictable than TW syntax).

Good luck

-- Mark

On Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 7:10:37 AM UTC-8, Tristan Kohl wrote:
> Hey guys,
> for my wiki I need to substitute part of a filter which gets passed to a 
> macro which in turn builds a table from those tiddlers.
> My call looks like this:
> <<table [tag[action]hive{!!title}] "title date text" "UID Date Notes">>
> Obviously that does not work (I dropped a console.log in my JS macro), my 
> macro gets passed the filter without substituted title. What else I tried 
> and did not work:
>    - Enclosing the filter in quotes
>    - Using the filter without quotes
>    - Using {{!!title}}
>    - $set a variable and concatenate the filter: [tag[action]hive<var>] - 
>    Results in an TW error claiming the widget being null (maybe my macro is 
>    not bullet proof)
>    - $set a variable by making the substitution the vars value: <$set 
>    name="var" value={{!!title}}>
> My initial thought was this might be caused by the tiddler being 
> transcluded via the *tabs* macro. But when I just drop the filter inside 
> a list widget it shows the correct tiddlers and a {{!!title}} inside the 
> transcluded tiddler revealed the name of the "parent" tiddler - so no 
> problem there.
> I am out of ideas so I came here hoping someone is willing to point me 
> into the right direction.
> Cheers,
> Tristen

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