> Is that possible to do in bulk or is my data stuck in TW?
TiddlyWIki is the one place it is not stuck, I can't guarantee that for all 
the other places. 

Why can I say this?

   - The data is easily exported in a number of standard ways
   - You totally control not only the data but the ways to manipulate it 
   and export it.
   - You have an active community that can support your needs
   - You can save, duplicate and store how and when you desire.

   - Of course advanced features like macros are not so easily transferred, 
   but then they are bonus features.

However I think what you are actually asking is what Jed refers to and that 
is formatting.

   - If you have a systematic and often repeating need to do so you can 
   build or use a process to convert to and from WikiText.
   - However if it is a one off transfer, obtain the details of  the 
   different markups involved (eg; Bullet list, headings) for WikiText and 
   WikiMedia and use a good editor such as NotePad++ to systematically find 
   and replace one markup for another. 
   - If you do go down this path I can give additional advice, such as use 
   intermediate values eg convert \n! and \n!! to \n<hd1> \n<hd2> (where \n 
   means new line) such that you can later change these to the destination 
   format.  Without hitting other examples of "!"
   - If you keep notes of the steps you took to achieve this and it can be 
   generalised we can use this info to build a process in tiddlywiki or 
   - There will be case where a leading "!" means heading in wiki text, but 
   in another the == heading ==  needs to be wrapped in for example ==, this 
   may need other tricks to handle conversion, or manual intervention to add 
   == to the end of each line beginning ==
   - Once again its all about how much and how often as to which approach 
   to follow.

There are I believe also existing solutions to translate WikiText into 
other markup/markdown language which you may use to convert WikiText into 
an intermediate format, the use an online conversion tool to change into 
MediaWiki wiki text. PanDoc https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html
For example Print as PDF and Convert to WikiMedia, or Print as PDF use 
open/save in word then convert word to WikiMedia.

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