Stobot has put into words very clearly what I had in the back of my mind.

Name is definitely an issue. A long time ago I mentioned TiddlyWiki Classic 
to my coworkers and all I get laughs. In those days when JS wasn’t as 
ubiquitous as it is today, a whole wiki system enclosed in a single file 
was nothing less than revolutionary. But they didn’t take it seriously.

Of course, anyone seriously looking for versatile todo and wiki app should 
have an open mind and mustn’t be put off by the name. Moreover, tiddly is 
not alone. There are other equally hard to pronounce and funny sounding 
apps with considerable user base like

   1. Anki 
   2. Vim 
   3. Mnemosyne 

Nonetheless, a friendlier name would not have hurt.

TW site and this forum has plethora of information. Seasoned users here are 
very active and helpful.

As a new user when I am trying to understand TW and its idioms, the site 
seems hard to navigate. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good idea that TW hosts 
its documentation using itself. It showcases the features and strength. But 
it’s hard to navigate in the beginning, when you don’t know what a tiddler 
is or how tiddlers are linked together, or what a tag is. So a novice faces 
two problems

   1. Get familiar with TW, and at the same time, 
   2. Learn from an unfamiliar UI 

I don’t mean TW documentation should be moved to some other static site 
generator like Hugo or Pelican or Gatsby. Perhaps, a friendlier and 
familiar theme like the material-ui Stobot suggested would be easier on 

A Gitbook like software is very useful for documentation. Writer can 
arrange the content in an order he deems suitable for the reader. Reader 
will know he is supposed to read from chapter and onward. Checkout these 
two examples


May be it’s just me, but their order is very clear. TW on the other hand is 
more like a mind map. You create different tiddlers and then link them 
together using tags and transclusion. TW homepage can do with a overhaul to 
make it more friendly.

What bugs me most is that TW syntax has d/f variants and all work the same 
with littler differences. For example, macro parameter can be defined using 
: or =.

\define example(p:'default')
\define example(p='default')

Variable can be access using <<__var__>> or <<var>>. But inside a filter 
using single angle bracket [tag<MyTag>]. I always second guessing myself 
the my syntax is correct.
Programming Tutrial 

A tutorial on programming TW would be nice, like we have for so many other 
languages. TonyM has a book in the yammer group which is a good start.
Plugin library is incomplete 

The option of installing TW plugin and themes without leaving TW is nice. 
But the default plugin library is almost barren. You will find more options 
in this Dynalist <> then in 
the plugin library.

JD has create a very useful revision plugin 
<!topic/tiddlywiki/EZhMkt0BDn0> but you 
will never know about it unless you visit the forum regularly.

A StackOverflow like site is better suitable for QA then this forum because 
it offers better search. I think even Discourse <> 
has better search and navigation then Google groups which is archaic. Don’t 
remember when was the last time Google updated it.

A monthly newsletter would be nice too.

All in all TW is a fantastic piece of software. I am sure the community it 
has will make any other software users envious. But it has a leaning curve 
which can be flattened.

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