Learn something new every day :)

I think I tagged all the relevant tiddlers - hope it works.  I only tagged 
(included) the test tiddlers that are checked off in the example tiddler 
"2018-08-06" and represented in the fields of "2018-08-06.tests". 

Here's the general rundown of what I'm trying to acheive:

I want to be able to run various sets of tests for patients (I'm a 
chiropractor) as needed.  I have computers in each treatment room and 
currently just record the visit SOAP notes (Subjective Objective Assessment 
& Plan) in a daily visit column of a spreadsheet.  Knowing what TW can do 
I've always yearned to be able to make something that can make use of the 
vast potential that TW provides to a lowly non-programmer type like me.

Anyway, the basic unit for most visits is the "Visit", i.e. a tiddler named 
by today's date.  Thanks to the recent MuuriTouch plugins I can now easily 
produce a layout the way I'd like with a "control panel" of crucial info 
tiddlers with various reports of previous visit summaries, pertinent 
medical history etc.  This set of tiddlers here is my first serious attempt 
to get something to a working version I could actually use in the clinic.  
Its basically a 2-3 minute set of neurologic type tests (with more of a 
chiropractic slant than a "brain pathology" slant)

So the Visit tiddler "2018-08-06" contains a link to the neurology tests 
tiddler "NeuroScan", and the individual tests from that tiddler place 
results from the tests into a "data" tiddler named the same as the visit 
tiddler plus ".tests".  That way there's no stuttering as you click a 
checkbox and the tiddler "reloads" if the results were assigned to the same 
tiddler.  The individual tests are constructed by passing the test names to 
the test macros to go get the info from data tiddlers named after the tests 
themselves.  Right now I have the tiddler "NeuroScan" kind of "hard 
written" as is, but eventually I would like to have the possible tests 
dynamically generated as more information slowly gets added to that day's 
visit and correlates with whatever the relevant recent and distant medical 
history has already been recorded.

So my current task is to get the ability to see the suggested origins 
(origin of the area of the central nervous system that may be the source of 
the patients problems) and indications (things that you can to to treat the 
patient to address the problems you're finding).

What you've helped me with is get a weighted list of all the most likely 
origins of the problem, in this case "pmrf" (ponto-medullary reticular 
formation).  That example is in the "2018-08-06.tests" tiddler.  My next 
thing I'll try to figure out is how to translate "cbm cbm.midline pmrf pmrf opp 
motor cortex pmrf cn8" into "pmrf (3) cmb (2)... etc".

Actually, just writing this I realized that button you helped make seems to 
only print out single instances, not the repeated findings I was hoping to 
somehow sort out to suggest the relatively more heavily weighted 
suggestions for origin... back to google, ha ha.

Anyway, thank you both for being patient with me as I muddle through this :)

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Attachment: tiddlers(2).json
Description: application/json

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