DevonThink app should be really good at this:

"One of the key features of DevonThink Pro Office is its smart searching 
algorithms, its ability to suggest similar texts based on the contents of what 
you are looking at, etc. It does this by means of a proprietary algorithm, so I 
can't really tell you how it works, but just know that it does. It works best 
on smaller chunks of text. In this way, I was reading through a particular 
source from the 3 million-word-strong Taliban Sources Project database and then 
I clicked the "See also" button and it had found a source I would never 
otherwise have read on the same topic, even though it didn't even use one of 
the keywords I would have used to search for it. It uses semantic webs of words 
to figure this stuff out." - Alex Strick 

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