Hello Reece,

It's a little difficult to understand your requirements the way you phrased 
it. I could not understand what is meant by "the title of the tiddler that 
holds the filter" - which filter? The one pasted below? What do you want 
that tiddler to do?

Anyway to get you started - If you have:

*A Tiddler:*
title: A Location Tiddler
tag: Location
faction-dominant: A Faction Tiddler

*Another Tiddler:*
title: A Faction Tiddler
tag: Faction

Put this in the tiddler: A Faction Tiddler
<$list filter="[has[faction-dominant]] +[faction-dominant{!!title}]">


It will only list tiddlers whose *faction-dominant* field contains the 
title of the tiddler this code is in, in this case: *A Faction Tiddler*

If you could try to explain your issue again in a different way, it may be 
easier to understand.

Also the code you pasted - it's difficult to understand what you ware 
trying to do - still it might be improved - you could try this:
[tag[Location]sort[tags]] - the *sort* here is, I think, a little 
meaningless. Perhaps you meant:

[[$:/]addsuffix[state]addsuffix[/]addsuffix{!!title}] may be better written 

[has:field[faction-dominant]] will also find tiddlers that have this 
*faction-dominant* field but it is empty.
[has[faction-dominant]] will only find tiddlers where this 
*faction-dominant* field is NOT empty


On Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 12:58:14 PM UTC+7, Reece Shaw wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm currently working on additional features for a campaign/world manager 
> wiki. I'm fond of having dynamic lists that generate based on what the user 
> puts into the wiki. I've run into the below issue:
> I have a group of tiddlers tagged "Location" and a group of tiddlers 
> tagged "Faction". The Location tiddlers contain a field titled 
> "faction-dominant" that always contains the title of a single Faction 
> tiddler.
> SO in order to maintain consistency I have a "footer" template that is a 
> foldable reveal. I'd like this footer to only display the Location tiddlers 
> where *faction-dominant has a value that matches the title of the tiddler 
> that holds the filter. *
> To further complicate things, the filter must first pass the title to a 
> system tiddler where I am storing the fields for editing purposes. The code:
> <$list filter="[tag[Location]sort[tags]]" >
> <$list filter= "[[$:/]addsuffix[state]addsuffix[/]addsuffix{!!title}]">
> <$list filter= "[has:field[faction-dominant]]">
> </$list>
> </$list>
> </$list>
> I've tried $set and $vars but I am having trouble parsing what exactly I 
> need to set where and documentation is a bit out of my scope of 
> understanding as someone who isn't a trained coder. Any advice?
> Thanks,
> -Reece

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