Thank you, Oxydum. It worked and makes sense in its consistency with the 
HTML embedded CSS markup. I do not understand it, though. To me, the image 
seems centered and the text seems not to be centered. It seems 
counter-intuiitive that changing the centering on the image changes the 
positioning of the text.

Another thing bothers me with that solution. The alignment change will be 
on all images. I really would only like to have that change affect images 
in the table cells, and even the cells of onlly certain tables. It there an 
easy CSS selector that would accomplish this? in the HTML version, the CSS 
is all embedded. That is a painful way of doing things, for sure. In that 
implementation, I could not figure out how to add CSS on a wiki-wide basis 
(PBworks). Both in PBworks and TiddlyWiki I know I could add CSS at a page 
level, which would limit its scope and still present a cleaner, more 
manageable appearance. I have worked through a CSS tutorial. The kind of 
mechanism that could work is limiting the scope of the img {} CSS affect 
with and 'id' selector. I could not figure out how to do that in 
TiddlyWiki. If I could limit the img {} CSS effect to only tables or table 
cells, that would also limit its scope to close to 100% of the cases I 
would desire it.

Thank you all for any additional advice.

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