Is it possible to setup indirect references for files for a tw5?

I am using a tw for a stage show interactive notebook with links to audio
and video clips for learning music and dance routines.

Ideally, I would like to setup subdirectories of the ShowWiki location for
storing different show clips, so that I can pick up the whole wiki and
folder and drop is somewhere else?

Showwiki.html has 2 subdirectories
- CalamityJane
- LaBoheme

And needs to have links using the "mp3/Audio - cannonical" link to the
appropriate location.

Also, If I setup a video link, the link always opens in an external window
rather than within the tw itself, is this correct?

This is the content of the tiddler:

<iframe width="560" height="315"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ></iframe>

Thanks for your help,

Best Regards,

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