Hi Mario,
 many thanks for your comments! the *cm-* I used, is shorthand for 
Commander! I absolutely change them
to a safer prefix!

Yes, macros are really powerful tools in Tiddlywiki.


On Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 4:06:46 PM UTC+4:30, PMario wrote:
> Hi folks!
> First of all @Mohammad: I wasn't aware, that all of this can be done with 
> TW macros. GREAT WORK! ...
> I've found 2 things that caught my attention immediately. see: 2 
> Styleshees 
> <https://kookma.github.io/TW-Commander/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fkookma%2Fcommander%2Fstylesheet%2Ftext-area:%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fkookma%2Fcommander%2Fstylesheet%2Ftext-area%20%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fkookma%2Fcommander%2Fstylesheet%2Ftabs>
> .
> It seems the plugin modifies cm-xxx classes. Where cm- prefix is already 
> used for CodeMirror plugins. 
> IMO you shouldn't do this. What if a user doesn't use CodeMirror? ...
> It also seems, that the plugin modifies the "tab-button" settings. 
>  - Why? 
>  - As soon as someone includes the plugin, they do have 2 different tab 
> styles?
>  - What's the difference? 
>      - Styling only, or is there a difference in function? 
>  - What if users use a different "theme" than the plugin expects?
>  - IMO the CSS !important flag is toxic see link:[1]. So I personally try 
> to avoid it at all cost!
> ------------------------
> About CSS prefixes: TW uses tc-, tv-, tm- and th-   prefixes for different 
> things.
> tc- ... tw class
> tv- ... tw variable
> tm- ... tw message
> th- ... tw hook
> If I need similar classes like tc-xxx I use wltc-  prefix. for WikiLabs 
> tw class. ... This mechanism allows me to have short class prefixes and 
> they don't clash with existing classes tc- classes. Same with wltm-, wlth- 
> ... I think you get it.
> So if you need new class definitions you could add your own 2 chars in 
> front of tc-. So everyone that sees them knows: OK that's a class from a 
> plugin. 
> Just some thoughts. 
> ------------------------
> have fun!
> mario
> [1] https://uxengineer.com/css-specificity-avoid-important-css/

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