Mark S. wrote:

> I'm not a PowerShell aficionado, so even a short script takes some time. 

Ciao Mark

In the process of noodling about with your script I made a few, mainly 
cosmetic, changes. The only real difference is to be able to put the script 
anywhere (I hope :-).

Merely suggestive. Related to previous post to TonyM.

Best wishes

Set-ExecutionPolicy -scope CurrentUser -executionPolicy Unrestricted

# SETTINGS -----------------------------------

  # --- WIKI STEM NAMES: list of wiki stem names
  # Wiki name stem must be unique!! Case sensitive naming!!
  $stemlist = @("wiki1","wiki2")

  # --- WIKI DIRECTORIES: list in same order as stem names
  $dirlist = @("C:\scrap\wiki1","C:\scrap\test\wiki2")

  # --- DOWNLOADS DIRECTORY: where your browser(s) save downloads
  $downloaddir = "C:\Users\Josiah\Downloads"

  # --- TIMING: How many seconds to wait between checks
  $waitSeconds = 60

# SCRIPT --------------------------------------
cd $downloaddir
echo ""
echo "  | NINE-LIVES v0.1 (test)"
echo "  |"
echo "  | Every $waitSeconds secs checks for new saves in ..."
echo "  |"
echo "  | $downloaddir "
echo "  |"
echo "  | Press [Ctrl+C] to exit"
echo ""

while(1) {
    for($i=0;$i -lt $stemlist.Length; $i++) {
      $stem = $stemlist[$i]
      $dir = $dirlist[$i]
      $copyme = ls $stem*.html | sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1
      $copyme = $copyme.FullName
      $destination = Get-Item  "$dir\$stem.html"
      $source = Get-Item "$copyme" 
      #echo Source: $source.LastWriteTime
      #echo Destination: $destination.LastWriteTime 
      If($source.LastWriteTime -gt $destination.LastWriteTime.addSeconds(1) 
) {
      #echo "Source: " $source.LastWriteTime "greater than " 
        Copy-Item $copyme -Destination "$dir\$stem.html"
        echo "  Copying $copyme to $dir\$stem.html"
        echo ""
      } Else {
        echo "  ... is unchanged" 
        echo ""
    echo "  | Sleep for $waitSeconds seconds ..."
    start-sleep -seconds $waitSeconds 
    echo ""

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