Dear all, 

I try to set up a tiddly wiki for law. What I am trying to achieve is this:

For each tiddler, I want a *tab section* called Verständnisfragen, 
Grenzfragen and Beispiele (understanding/comprehension, boundary questions 
and examples tab), which I can fill with content. 
Each tab shall depict typical questions on what is the idea of the 
respective idea, where are limits and what would be typical expamples and 
the corresponding answers. This would be the typical layout for many 
different tiddlers, lets say e.g. a tiddler for posession and a tiddler for 
ownership, each one of these tiddlers having these tabs. 

I am aware, that I can create correspondet tiddlers and link them into tabs 
via the exact name space. However, I assume there is a more elegant way to 
include these tiddlers via transclusion, as each tab has a tag of the 
correspondent mother tiddler. 

My question is now: How do I create *"dynamic" links (or filters) for tabs*, 
that link to all tiddlers that have the same tag as the respecitve tiddler 
name. Can you follow me on this? 
An *example *would be a tiddler called "Sonderrechtstheorie" and three more 
tiddlers tagged "Sonderrechtstheorie" also having one of the following tags 
"Verständnisfragen", "Grenzfragen" and "Beispiele", which I want to 
transclude as individual tabs in the mother tiddler "Sonderrechtstheorie". 

How do I do that? I can't get my mind around the filter notations ( <<tabs 
[tag["mothertiddler] AND  [tag[Verständnisfragen] OR [Grenzfragen OR 
[Beispiele]] >>)
I would appreciate any helpful hints!

My ever-lasting gratitude for whoever might help me out here!


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