Hi Mario

thanks for the answer.

I've forked GSD5 and moving away little bit from the original GTD 
methodologies. I'm simply adding life areas and human needs as the root of 
the human decision making in the form of life wheels. Using a "lean" 
approach applied to human life, I'd like to measure some parameters of my 
life and eventually see the evolution of it. Perhaps using some charts.

you can have a look https://sebastianovide.github.io/GettingSebDoing/  
(code in https://github.com/sebastianovide/GettingSebDoing) to have a 

initially I've stored the "areas satisfaction" metric in each areas 
tiddler. But I've thought it would be hard to keep a daily log of all the 
metrics. So I'm storing the main KPIs in the tiddler "me" under the form of 

I've just discovered that the new tiddlyWiki version will have string 
operators so I've copy strings.js and now I'm using this:

  <$wikify name="areas" text=""" 
        <$list filter="[field:gsd_type[area]]" >
          <$list filter="area satisfaction [<currentTiddler>] +[split[ 
]join[_]] " variable="name">
            <$transclude tiddler="me" field=<<name>>>0</$transclude>
    <$wheelChart values=<<areas>> />

it all works... for now... but it took me a big number of hours to it ...

It will take me a while to get my head around TW and think in TW way... so 
I'm pretty sure I'm doing many things that are probably considered hacks in 
the TW world...


On Saturday, 20 July 2019 10:39:13 UTC+1, PMario wrote:
> Hi Sebastian, 
> It would be easier for us, if you describe *what* you want to achieve, 
> instead of how. ... 
> Creating content in TW should be "natural" workflow. So you create some 
> content (+ some meta data), and then we can see, how we can filter it. ... 
> Can you answer the following questions. 
>  - How does your "my tiddler 1" look like. ... some content if possible
>  - How should the "historical graph" look like
>  - What is the most convenient way to add meta data (eg: connection 
> between your tiddlers.)
> have fun!
> mario

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