We are thinking about adding SW to TW 
https://github.com/linonetwo/solid-tiddlywiki-syncadaptor/issues/3 this is 
the first step towards PWA. When user if offline, sync adaptor can save to 
cache and load cached tiddler after refresh, so TW can be used offline.

I don't know whether TW core needs a SW, since TW core is self contained, 
it doesn't fetch additional resources.

You can use https://app-manifest.firebaseapp.com to generate manifest.json 
so browser will cache some assets, and don't need to download full wiki 
every time. For example an App Shell that renders before TW core loads.

Use chrome devtool 
https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/#devtools to test if 
it's PWA engough. 

在 2019年5月9日星期四 UTC+8下午3:13:23,TonyM写道:
> Folks,
> In my internet research I stumbled upon the PWA or Progressive Web Apps, 
> Abraham makes mention of it in Maarfapad 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/tiddlywiki/PWA%7Csort:date/tiddlywiki/t2_NJN9Rlx4/oryYtM9OBQAJ
> However I have not seen much references to it in TiddlyWiki otherwise. 
> Google and others seem to be supporting this approach and it results in 
> device and browser independance.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_web_applications
> It seems to me that TiddlyWiki is not far from being fully compliant, and 
> a plugin, instructions etc... to turn any tiddlywiki into a PWA 
> Here is a builder https://www.pwabuilder.com
> What do our hard core developer coders think?
> Regards
> Tony

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