This is why I want the autoparagraph feature GONE! Ok, whatever, maybe that
won't happen right away, but we'll get somewhere close eventually. I love
the idea of adding parameters to the mime type. I didn't even know that was
a thing before today.

But this is a good read (the article from the original post):

I think we should consider that idea, or perhaps an alternate idea that I
got from react native where styles are kept near the elements they style.
So for instance every template tiddler would have a stylesheet tiddler and
use a variation of the qualify macro to return the class names to use for
those styles, and also add those classes to the global stylesheet whenever
the tiddler is rendered, probably using the same macro somehow, but still
it would be unique based on the position in the widget tree. The styles
could be defined using a macro as well, I believe. That would probably be
easier. But I don't quite know how to get the styles into the global
stylesheet. Maybe we need to have a style widget that just sticks in a
style tag with its unique class names right there.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 6:30 PM Thomas Elmiger <>

> Hi Mat, Jeremy and Mario,
> Thanks for thinking of me, Mat, and my usage of tachyons elements in my
> Bricks studio.
> The reasons why I (only) adapted selected parts of tachyons (typography,
> spacing/measures, some colours, ...) are:
>    - I like the simple and useful design concept (as a starting point).
>    - I basically agree with what Mario says.
>    - TiddlyWiki can already do magic stuff (variables, calculations –
>    JavaScript in CSS –, theme-tweaks, palettes, ...).
> Some things that are difficult in standard TW and that I tried to improve
> in Bricks:
>    - Find the right spot in the existing CSS to change.
>    - So I transformed it into a collection of specialised small CSS
>       documents.
>       - Colour calculations, e.g. to blend or invert colours or to check
>    contrast (accessibility).
>       - My ambition was: Enable users to choose some base colours, and
>       then calculate everything else automagically. That turned out to be
>       incredibly hard.
>       - Still I think my ColorAction plugin is great and the Colour
>       Manager <>
>       points in the right direction (it allows to define/calculate colours 
> based
>       on other colour variables – and still see them, a big improvement 
> compared
>       to the standard palette manager).
>       - Use different colour schemes for content and sidebar (e.g. dark
>    sidebar, light background for content)
>       - I hacked a way around this but it was a long and hard process.
>       - Save computing power: With TWs flexibility, the more variables
>    you have the more complex calculations are needed to render the design.
>    - So I implemented a simple "compiler" that renders one big stylesheet
>       without any variables. I can use this "frozen" version to publish faster
>       wikis.
>    - Adjust spacing to follow a system (margins, paddings, whitespace
>    around headings, ...)
>       - This is where my tachyons-based variables were extremely helpful.
> So features like these would be more important for me, than what/if any
> framework is used. As long as there is a solid concept that goes through
> all of TW and is easily adaptable (using far less parameters than the
> ControlPanel offers today) I would actually not care, where it is derived
> from.
> All the best,
> Thomas
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