Would it be possible to auto-generate a wiki per plugin for the sites 
<plugin>.tiddlywiki.com or some such?

People evaluating if TW would solve their needs are unlikely to first take 
the time to learn TW enough to be able to install plugins. If they even at 
all understand there IS such a plugin. It would be very useful to be able 
to refer them directly to a demo.

But it's a problem also for experienced users: Trying out a plugin means 
you must install it. It possibly even means you must first get an empty TW 
to install it in, because you don't want to test it in your main wiki.  
Also consider that during the dev phase of a plugin we often *need *people 
to test it.

is it possible to "auto-generate" wiki+plugin to some place on 

Some plugins need a populated wiki for the user to test it. So there could 
be an *extra *plugin that follows along in the generation, with a set of 
dummy tiddlers . As new plugins are developed, this plugin could be 
gradually populated on a per-need basis. Besides, the community could 
already now benefit from such a dummy plugin so we have a common set of 
tiddlers to try things on and to refer to. It would probably include the 
various dummy tids we have on tiddlywiki.com, i.e tiddlers that have the 
"week days" and the data used to demo the different sorting operators.


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