
i tried to sublass the navigator as described in "WidgetSubclassingMechanism" 
like so:


    /*jslint node: true, browser: true */
    /*global $tw: false */
    "use strict";
    exports.baseClass = "navigator";
// Specify a different name to make the subclass available as a new widget 
instead of overwriting the baseclass:
    exports.name = "limited-stack-navigator";
    exports.constructor = function(parseTreeNode,options) {
    exports.prototype = {};
    exports.prototype.handleNavigateEvent = function(event) {
        /*event = $tw.hooks.invokeHook("th-navigating",event);
        if(event.navigateTo) {
            if(!event.navigateSuppressNavigation) {
        return false;

I get the following error: "this.eventListeners is undefined". It seems 
that the constructor of widget (the baseclass of navigator) is not called 
beforehand (which registers this.eventListeners ). So my basic questions 
here are:

   1. is this a design flaw? (e.g. the registration for the events inside 
   of the navigator-constructor is a bad idea ;) )
   2. is it not intended to subclass navigator from some reason?
   3. am i doing something else (more trivial) wrong in my overwrite-trial 

Thanks for your help,

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